Sleep deprivation

A new born baby is a common cause of sleep deprivation

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22 February 2024

An introduction to sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation arises when one can’t sleep well, leading to a person not being able to function at his or her best. There are basically two ways you can be deprived of sleep:

  • Lack of sleep. Everyone needs a different amount of sleep but research suggests that the correct amount for an average adult lies somewhere between seven and a half and nine hours. While this may seem a lot, you could find yourself feeling a lot more alert and energetic if you clock enough hours of sleep
  • Not getting enough good quality of sleep. Even if you spend enough hours in bed, the sleep you are getting may not be restful enough. Poor sleep means you will wake up feeling as if you have only had three hours of sleep even if you have had far more.

Symptoms of sleep deprivation

The most obvious symptom of sleep deprivation, or evidence or poor sleep, is feeling sleepy and tired when you are meant to be awake. You may not realise how groggy and tired you have become if sleep deficiency or insufficient sleep has become acceptable in your eyes.

Other symptoms of sleep deprivation include:

  • constantly yawning as you try to supply your brain with enough oxygen to stay awake
  • becoming anxious, moody or irritable which can lead to mental health symptoms
  • a tendency to doze off when you are in a warm room, relaxed or bored
  • finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning
  • finding it difficult to remember things or to concentrate
  • starting to have problems with your vision, particularly the ability to focus
  • finding it more difficult to make decisions, or you take a riskier option than you would normally
  • having difficulty performing simple tasks such as speaking or walking in a straight line. This is because sleep deprivation can have a similar effect on your body as alcohol consumption.

Causes of sleep deprivation

If you have ever spent a night waiting for your delayed plane to depart or lain awake in an unfamiliar bed and environment, you will probably have experienced a degree of sleep deprivation. Under these circumstances, your body will quickly make up for the quality of sleep you have lost.

However, there are more serious causes which can lead to long-term sleep deprivation:

  • Sleep problems – these are not medical conditions, but arise because something in your life or environment is affecting your sleep. Examples of situations that can contribute to sleep loss, are a new baby, worries about work, or personal problems. Minor medical conditions such as a blocked nose or night sweats in menopausal women can also cause you to have difficulty sleeping and could affect your sleep quality, or quantity
  • Sleep disorders – these are medical conditions which need to be managed by a doctor. Examples include insomnia, sleep apnoea, or obstructive sleep apnea.

Consequences of sleep deprivation

Whilst short-term instances of sleep restriction sometimes can't be helped (for example in the instance of a new baby), if too little sleep, soon turns into long-term sleep deprivation, then this unfortunately can start to impact your health. Some possible health conditions that can have links with chronic sleep deprivation are as follows:

  • stress, anxiety, or other mental health symptoms
  • changes in mood
  • changes in appetite
  • poor blood sugar regulation which could eventually lead to pre-diabetes or even diabetes
  • cardiovascular disease, or heart disease risk factors including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high triglyceride levels
  • changes in sexual health, since sleep and symptoms of stress are also closely related.

What can be done to help manage sleep deprivation?

If you are worried your sleep quality isn't sufficient, or you struggle with falling or staying asleep, there are some steps you can take to help ensure you get more adequate sleep:

  • Plan your meals. Good quality foods rich in complex carbs and protein will help provide the building blocks your body needs to make the hormones and neurotransmitters you need to support healthy sleep. Also, not eating too close (or far away) from bedtime will help your digestion is well underway, but that hunger isn't going to disturb you.
  • Move enough but not too much. If your routine allows it, moving enough during the day will ensure your body is ready for sufficient sleep. Being too hyped up just before bedtime though, could mean it takes a while for your body to wind down again.
  • Enforce good sleep hygiene. Poor sleep hygiene factors such as a bed that isn't sufficiently comfy, a bedroom that is too warm or cold, too many noises, lights, or screen-time before bed, could set you up for a fall. If sleep hygiene is an area, you feel you could be working on, read our blog here, for more on how to set up the perfect sleep schedule and bring useful sleep habits into play.
  • Consider trying a supplement. Your doctor can discuss sleep medicine if it comes to this, but a sleep supplement is something you could try at home to help. Sleep Well Dissolvable Granules, for example, combines Lemon balm extract*, with Lettuce extract, Magnesium, and L-Tryptophan, to contribute to a calmer, more restful sleep.
  • Online sleep resources are there to help. Resources such as the Cleveland Clinic, the National Sleep Foundation, and The Sleep Health Foundation can help offer more in-depth advice on sleep problems and how to get a good night's sleep. They can also point you in the direction of a sleep specialist if need be. REM sleep duration may need to be more closely monitored in some cases, or they may even have a sleep study that you could partake in.

*Lemon Balm helps maintain a normal sleep

When should I see a doctor?

Most people who sleep badly will be addressing the underlying problem. Making simple changes to your lifestyle by addressing sleep hygiene can be extremely beneficial if your sleep problem is mild or moderate, saving you from having to seek medical attention.

However, it is important to see a doctor if:

  • The cause of your sleep problem, sleep disorder or sleep deprivation is unexplained
  • You are worried about the effects of your sleep deprivation, in terms of disease control or mental health effects
  • You are concerned that there may be an underlying medical problem affecting your sleep such as sleep apnea.


First published on 01/07/13, updated on 22/2/24

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