I don't know if any of those tests told you anything but don't discount your coeliac disease as a cause.
It is an autoimmune disorder and therefore tends to increase inflammation in the body, making you more likely to suffer in areas other than the obvious.
Bone and joint pain are symptoms of coeliac disease, as you can see if you follow this link: https://www.coeliac.org.uk/coeliac-disease/about-coeliac-disease-and-dermatitis-herpetiformis/symptoms/
Since you've been suffering these pain for several years and wouldn't expect an overnight cure, can I suggest you try taking Atrosan Devils Claw. It has a steroid-like effect but without the side effects associated with the medicine such as thinning bones. It has been used for many years by people seeking to dampen their autoimmune issues and more generally for inflammation. I can promise you the tablets are gluten free.
It takes 6-8 weeks to really help, which isn't too long in the grand scheme of things but if you need some faster relief in the meantime, please apply some Atrogel 2-4 times a day.
If you can supply any more information regarding those tests, we may be able to advise more.
Best wishes
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