
I have been taking devils claw tincture for chronically sore muscles and joints for 10 days, but have not had any relief at all. I realise sometimes it takes time, but I had hoped for a small glimmer of relief. My condition has worsened after being taken off methotrexate last year, which kept a cap on my symptoms, but of course is a very toxic drug. I am delaying contacting my rheumatologist, as I know he would put me on steroids and then the methorexate as before. I am desperate to find something as an alternative to these scary drugs. I take vitamin D, vitamin B, gluchosomine/chondroitin, krill oil and marine phytoplankton plus devils claw at the moment. I still have no relief from the pain. I just have to resort to painkillers sometimes for relief. What can I do?

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As the A. Vogel Muscles and Joints advisor, I recommend Atrogel® for the effective relief from aches and pains.

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Did you know?

Foods such as red meat and dairy products and drinks such as caffeine and alcohol can all trigger inflammation which can increase muscle and joint pain.

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