Unusual symptoms? Could it be a UTI?
Some more unusual symptoms of cystitis or UTIs can include back pain, dizziness, confusion or headaches. Whilst in many cases these could be linked to UTIs, there could also be some other causes, so your doctor would always need to confirm this.
8 surprising symptoms of cystitis
Cystitis is a common infection affecting the urinary tract and bladder. In many cases, it involves some quite distinctive symptoms like frequent urination, cloudy or smelly urine or a burning sensation when going to the loo. But, did you know there may be some more unusual symptoms that you just might want to watch out for? These include:
- Back pain
- Bloating
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Itching
- Nausea.
I'll explain why it's important that you look out for these symptoms and suggest some natural ways you can combat cystitis. What they can mean, as understanding what's going on can often help in the treatment.
1. Back pain
Although pelvic pain or discomfort may be more readily associated with UTIS, back pain may not be so obvious, but it can definitely be one to watch out for. Although cystitis is not normally a serious infection, if the bad bacteria responsible start to make their way up towards your kidneys, this can become much more serious. So, if you're keen to catch those symptoms quick before they have the chance to develop into anything more, this is where your Uva-ursi & Echinacea Complex can come in.
Then, on the other hand, if back or pelvis pain is apparent, but no infection is found, the likelihood of underlying interstitial cystitis is also an important consideration.
So, it is important to consider which types of symptoms you are experiencing. Then, if you are susceptible to cystitis or UTIs and do experience back pain, this would be one we would recommend you have checked by your doctor.
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2. Bloating
Inflammation and bloating go hand in hand, unfortunately. As immune cells within the blood rush to our aid, the surrounding area around the bladder can become quite swollen, and water retention is often more likely too.
Also, if you have an infection in your urinary tract, there may be links with dysbiosis in the gut – we know that an imbalance in our gut bacteria can give rise to a number of undesirable symptoms, so bloating could well be a clue that this is underlying.
Poor digestion (specifically constipation, which can cause uncomfortable bloating and pain) has a link with interstitial cystitis too, so this can become a vicious cycle if it's not dealt with. Drinking plenty of plain water is a good rule of thumb for both constipation and cystitis.
3. Confusion
Confusion could indicate that the infection has spread (a red flag that needs checking). Or, it could indicate that there is something else at play here, such as thrush (click the link if you're keen to learn more about some of the symptoms there).
Thrush is caused by a type of yeast infection rather than by bacteria but, once established, it can make its way into the blood and even cross the blood-brain barrier – hence the confusion that can follow.
So, if you're confused about feeling confused, this is something to consider, and this is especially one to watch in the elderly – get yourself along to the doctor as soon as possible.
4. Dizziness
Dizziness is another symptom to have checked by your doctor as it could indicate that the infection has spread and/or a yeast infection is at play.
Alternatively, another less sinister possibility is that you are dehydrated as a result of frequent urination, or because you aren't drinking enough. Often, this happens as people are scared that, if they drink too much, they will need to go to the loo more than ever. This is a common mistake and, actually, it is much more beneficial in the long run to drink that little bit extra.
As I've mentioned, always make sure you are drinking plenty of plain, still water – at least 1.5 litres daily. Then, even better, why not add in a glass or two of good quality, low-sugar Cranberry juice daily? This has been found to in research to help protect against recurrent infections - click here to learn more on the latest data.
One last thing to note, if it's pain so severe that it's making you feel dizzy - this is once more something that you shouldn't put up with, and seek advice from your doctor.
5. Fatigue
As your immune system works super hard to keep an infection like cystitis at bay, you can be left feeling quite drained.
Now, things you can control - watch your diet and avoid sugar, which will only make things worse by contributing to greater dips and spikes in your blood sugar levels, impacting your low energy symptoms. Ensure you get plenty of rest to give your body some valuable time to repair and restore.
Also, although the exact reasons aren't very well understood, there are thought to be links with interstitial cystitis and fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. So, if you think these may be relevant to you, or you experience any extreme symptoms, once more, a reminder to go and see your GP.
6. Headaches
Headaches could also be the result of dehydration, but they could also be a sign that something which was originally cystitis has now moved towards the kidneys and become something more serious.
This is especially likely if this symptom is accompanied by some others, such as a fever. As always, if in any doubt, visit your doctor as soon as you are able for a check-up.
7. Itching
Experiencing itchiness at the same time as cystitis doesn't necessarily mean it's related to the bacterial infection itself, but it could indicate something else could be going on too, such as a yeast infection.
Although cystitis doesn’t necessarily cause thrush or vice versa, some common factors, such as in imbalance in good gut bacteria, could put you at risk of developing both conditions, so they very often go hand in hand. If you suffer from both routinely, some work around supporting your good gut bacteria may be helpful.
8. Nausea
Nausea isn't a typical symptom of cystitis. But, if cystitis is left untreated, it can develop into pyelonephritis or a kidney infection, in which case nausea may become apparent so once more, it could indicate an infection has spread.
If in any doubt, or if nausea is problematic and you aren't quite sure what might be causing it, I would recommend you go to a doctor to rule out any possible issues that might be cause for concern.
Originally published in November 2017, updated in August 2022.
Results: How often do you suffer from cystitis?
37% of you said that you suffer from cystitis 2-3 times per year, with just over 1/4 suffering from constant symptoms or experiencing cystitis once a year. To help prevent recurring cystitis, try cutting back on sugary drinks and alcohol and get into the habit of drinking plenty of fresh, plain water every day.