
I experienced a panic attack a number of years ago, which was quite frightening. Since then I have only experienced one further full attack, but, through controlled breathing I managed to alleviate the attack. I am now suffering with a stiff neck and upper back and throat. Could these be due to stress? There is a history of stress within my family. I work as a health and safety manager, a high level job with lots of responsibility. Your help and guidance is most welcome.

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As the A. Vogel Mood advisor, I recommend Stress Relief Daytime Drops to help relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety.

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Did you know?

When we feel stressed or anxious our body responds as though we are under attack, releasing a surge of adrenaline which can cause a number of baffling bodily behaviours including palpitations, shortness of breath and even a dry mouth!

The physical symptoms our emotions cause

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