7 fun things you can you do when you are bored at home

Is boredom getting you down?

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Sarah Hyland

Studying Health Sciences, Writer & Product Trainer

20 January 2021

Get to know your neighbours

If you haven't already done so - get to know your neighbours. The people that live in your area may be good buddy material. Failing that, they may at least pass muster as a friendly acquaintance. Knowing the local characters will make your curtain-twitching more thrilling. You'd never know who is up to something – you could catch them at it!

A good neighbour can be a friend in need. They may have spare curry powder or an emergency cold remedy. How bad if they turn out to be good company over a cup of coffee. You may even strike gold and find someone who enjoys the same music.

It's also your opportunity to strengthen your role in the community. When you talk to the locals, you can learn plenty of useful information about where you live. I recently found out about plans to pedestrianise a local beauty spot. Why thank you Joan-from-two-doors-up. One of your neighbours may be a vulnerable person. Imagine that you could make a difference with a small kindness, a smile or a couple of words. If shyness is stopping you from connecting with other people try a flower remedy. Jan de Vries Confidence Essence may help build the little bit of assertiveness that you feel is missing.

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Explore your creative side

We have all had idle fantasies about doing something crafty or creative. Why not steal some time out of your hectic TV schedule to learn a new skill or write that book. Did you love wordplay or science when you were a small person? Were you good at drawing in school? Maybe you would love to be able to speak another language. We all have some little or big project in mind that we have put on the long finger. Lockdown may give you the time or opportunity you may not get again.

There's so much information, help and support out there. All the many YouTube videos, apps and free online university courses. Start your own channel or blog, if you have a skill or knowledge that you would like to share.

My Self-Care Tip: Is boredom getting you down?

Boredom can get you down and it can be difficult to think of ideas or ways to motivate yourself. Watch my video below for advice on what you can do to battle away that boredom and improve your mood at the same time.

Do something with all the photos

Very few of us print the photos on our phones and cameras. The shots are snapped, maybe shared and forgotten about. Our clouds (a hazy notion there) may be crammed with forgotten moments or terrible rubbish. It's probably a daunting task, tackling years of images. The technology can be unwieldy and hard to grasp.

Go through a folder at a time, delete anything you don't want. Make folders of copies for other people. Friends and family may love to see the photos that you come across. Make one folder for the really special ones that you would like to have printed. You can even make a hardcopy photo book of them online – it's pretty simple to do and looks stunning! Something like that is a lovely thing to keep and a really thoughtful present.

Make a compilation or a playlist

When we were young, we spent hours and hours making compilation cassettes for friends, parties or people we fancied. Why not send someone special a playlist of songs that you have chosen just for them? Or make one for yourself. Cooking and cleaning will feel glamourous with a custom soundtrack. Exercise will feel less demanding if you have music on that makes you feel powerful and amazing.

Have a virtual clothes swap party

This is a great way of getting rid of some loved but neglected pieces out of your wardrobe. Making sure that they go to a good home. It can be hard to let go of an item of clothing that has sentimental value. Or it may be something that is beautiful but that you never wear. You may have put weight on or be in a different shape now - the dress is not getting any outings.

Get a posse of friends online, tell them all to bring their best-loved castoffs. This will work better if you are all roughly the same size. Take turns showing each lovely thing, tell its story. Bid for the items that you would love to try on.

When the haggling is done, you will all have to drop the bundles around to their new homes. This is an ideal chance for a garden coffee and catch up, provided lockdown regulations allow for this. 

If you've been taking Confidence Essence, you may find that you are feeling bold enough to try a new style or in a colour you wouldn't usually consider.

Virtual club night

Zoom pub quizzes and virtual soirees have been de rigour during our 'incarceration'. It might be fun to consider other reasons to get together. A virtual film club or book club may be an alternative way of catching up with people. Talk about new ideas and opinions of what to watch or read. A good chat that may keep subjects like politics, Covid-19 and family whinges off the agenda.

Do you have new doubts about your ability to form coherent thoughts or speak eloquently? My husband and I have been calling this a 'Lockdown Lobotomy'. Self-induced by wine-drinking and screen bound man-hours. Consider some Concentration Essence, it may help you focus.

Kitchen party disco

You've make the playlist, now invite people to your online kitchen disco. Dancing with your friends will make you laugh and burn calories.

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