Does Dormeasan help in the case of Narcolepsy?
I am afraid we would not recommend Dormeasan if you have Narcolepsy as it is unlikely to help, and may interact with any medication you are on.If you... Read the full answer 〉
I am afraid we would not recommend Dormeasan if you have Narcolepsy as it is unlikely to help, and may interact with any medication you are on.If you... Read the full answer 〉
This is a very common problem. Do you always wake at the same time and if so, what time? Firstly, I would take Dormesan, Vogel's natural sleep... Read the full answer 〉
Yes, the Dormeasan® would be an excellent thing to try, as long as she is not taking prescribed sleeping or anti anxiety medication. Poor... Read the full answer 〉
I am so sorry about your mum. Please tell me, is there any adult in your life who you feel you could talk to about your fears and your sleeping... Read the full answer 〉
I think any change in sleeping patterns like that should be discussed with your GP, as they may want to run some tests or rule certain things out.... Read the full answer 〉
The best thing to try, as long as you are not on prescribed sleeping medication, is Dormeasan, our natural sleep aid. It works very well and very... Read the full answer 〉
I don't think you have a problem. This is an incredibly common issue. Most people have busy, stressful lives these days and this can mean that... Read the full answer 〉
Does that drink work? It is certainly full of ingredients that are meant to help with sleep. Although it is a good recipe, I think I would try a... Read the full answer 〉
It is difficult for me to give you much advice without understanding a bit more about your sleeping problems - how long they have lasted, what... Read the full answer 〉
I would try Dormesan, our sleep remedy. Just 30 drops in water half an hour before bed helps many people with this issue. And also our follow our... Read the full answer 〉
Have you tried Dormeasan? It is our remedy for sleep problems, in most cases works well and fast so I think this should be your first port of... Read the full answer 〉
Shift work is very tricky to deal with, as the body likes regular sleep patterns! But you can do everything possible to mitigate the effects on the... Read the full answer 〉
The most common cause of restless legs is magnesium deficiency, so I would suggest trying a magnesium supplement (preferably a liquid or powder for... Read the full answer 〉
It could be that you are not getting into the deeper stages of sleep for long enough, and so are sleeping too lightly. Extracts of valerian can... Read the full answer 〉
I am not surprised you are struggling - going cold turkey when coming off hormonal medication can lead to horrible symptoms. I spoke to our menopause... Read the full answer 〉
It is hard to say why this is, but it is worth you looking at the variables that could affect your sleep in each room - it could be the light, the... Read the full answer 〉
Try Vogel's Dormesan®. It should get you to sleep in 30 minutes.Also, watch your caffeine and sugar intake. Keep both to an absolute minimum.It... Read the full answer 〉
Well done for coming off such strong medication. If you are struggling to sleep because of your chronic pain, it may well be a good idea to try... Read the full answer 〉
Although the amount of time you spend asleep is important, equally important is the quality of your sleep. We all go through cycles of sleep... Read the full answer 〉
Shift work is very tricky to deal with, as the body likes regular sleep patterns! But you can do everything possible to mitigate the effects on the... Read the full answer 〉
I think I would need to know a little more about your son, to try and work out what the problem could be. Did he have a difficult birth or was... Read the full answer 〉
Yes, eating too many sweets can definitely cause sleeping problems (unfortunately)! Sweets cause a rapid rise in your blood sugar level, which... Read the full answer 〉
It is hard to say how long insomnia can last, as everyone is so different. Most people during their life will experience bouts of sleeplessness... Read the full answer 〉
The best thing to try, in the first instance, is our remedy for sleep - Dormeasan®. If this does not help after a few weeks, let us... Read the full answer 〉
Yes this is a very common complaint in the menopause. It can be caused by the adrenal glands having to work too hard to deal with the stress in the... Read the full answer 〉
My instinct is that you are producing stress chemicals, such as adrenaline, in the evening. This then means that the chemicals that should make you... Read the full answer 〉
I think if you are struggling to get to sleep, then Dormeasan, our sleep remedy, is the best place to start. It should get you to sleep 30 minutes... Read the full answer 〉
Well it does depend on the exact nature of the problem - is it that you can't get to sleep, or that you wake up at night? Has it started... Read the full answer 〉
This is a common problem post menopause, as declining oestrogen levels contribute to higher anxiety levels, and in addition, night sweats can cause... Read the full answer 〉
In the first instance I would urge you to go back to your doctor. They may want to change the medication or check there are no underlying problems... Read the full answer 〉
In the first instance, I would suggest you go back to your doctor if the medication is not working for you. We have herbal remedies for sleep... Read the full answer 〉
It sounds like you could be producing a lot of stress chemicals during the day, which are then making it hard for you to switch off. I would... Read the full answer 〉
The best thing for this is a magnesium supplement, taken in liquid or powder form before bed. Magnesium helps muscle function, eases cramps and... Read the full answer 〉
What you are describing could be because your nervous system is overacting and is essentially constantly in 'fight or flight' mode, and so is... Read the full answer 〉
I am sorry that you can't sleep. I am not surprised though, as with lots of physical pain it can be difficult to relax. The good news is... Read the full answer 〉
Eating a healthy balanced diet with exercise is always important, as well as reducing your tea or coffee intake before bedtime. Stress or anxiety... Read the full answer 〉
Sleep disturbances can cause a lack of concentration and fatigue throughout the day. Try not to drink tea or coffee too late before bed. Stress or... Read the full answer 〉
Normally when using boiling water it is enough to evaporate the alcohol within a couple of minutes. Any residue that is found would... Read the full answer 〉
Sorry to hear you are having trouble sleeping. A traumatic event of any description, like a stroke, could easily disrupt your sleep... Read the full answer 〉
Unfortunately after such a long time your sleep patterns can take a little time to return to normal or adjust. In the meantime I would suggest... Read the full answer 〉
You could try Dormeasan® as this is traditionally used to help promote a good night's sleep. Also make sure that you are not drinking coffee late... Read the full answer 〉
Problems with sleeping, especially if this has gone on for some time, can affect our daily life making us more susceptible to stress and anxiety. I... Read the full answer 〉
This is quite commonly experienced when digestion is not comfortable.If you find that you are constipated or bloated or get indigestion then this... Read the full answer 〉
It is not something we would recommend as Valerian may potentiate the effects of any existing sedative therapy. If you are not getting the desired... Read the full answer 〉
I'm sorry to hear of your daughters problem. Flower Essences can help the mind to slow down and within our range there is Night Essence which would... Read the full answer 〉
Sorry to hear of your problem. Are you stressed? If this is the case the natural remedy Dormesasan® is traditionally used for this.For more... Read the full answer 〉
Some drugs may affect sleep but you would need to check this with your doctor as they should be aware of any side effects this particular drug may... Read the full answer 〉
I'm sorry to hear of your problem. You could have a look at Dormeasan® which is traditionally used for sleep problems. However if you feel this is... Read the full answer 〉
Unfortunately in those nights where you have very little sleep the body is unable to incorporate the proper sleeping cycles and as a result you will... Read the full answer 〉
We would not recommend taking Dormeasan and Kalms together as this may result in drowsiness the next morning so I would suggest using either one or... Read the full answer 〉
I am sorry to hear of your problem. Traditionally the remedy Dormeasan® is used for this kind of sleeping problem.For more information and advice on... Read the full answer 〉
You could try Dormeasan® Valerian-Hops which has been traditionally used to aid a good night's sleep. Read the full answer 〉
You could try Dormeasan®, this is traditionally used to help promote a good night's sleep. Make sure that you don't drink any coffee after midday as... Read the full answer 〉
This can indeed be a symptom of the menopause, especially if you are overheating at night. Ensure that your bedroom is cool rather than warm, and... Read the full answer 〉
Observe sleep hygiene tips, and try Dormeasan® Valerian & Hops until your sleep pattern has been re-established. Read the full answer 〉
If you have only been taking Dormeasan® Sleep remedy for a short period of time then I would persist, as your sleep pattern may well improve... Read the full answer 〉
Coming off sleep medication can be tricky, as side effects can often result. It would be useful to talk it over with her doctor to see how best to... Read the full answer 〉
You may find that Night Essence helps with the sleep, as it supports the emotions that have become disturbed through significant life changes. You... Read the full answer 〉
Follow sleep hygiene tips, and try Dormeasan® Sleep .It is not addictive nor associated with the side effects of many sleep medications. Read the full answer 〉
Take Dormeasan® when you go to bed, as this may be sufficient to allow you to sleep to a more reasonable hour. If you wake up then you can take... Read the full answer 〉
Make sure that you are drinking plenty of plain water during the day. A minimum of 1.5 litres is a good idea. Avoid all caffeine, including that... Read the full answer 〉
If the sleeping problems are due to the pain or the side effects of the medication then you will need to discuss these points with your doctor.... Read the full answer 〉
Observe the sleep hygiene tip advice. If you currently don't exercise then consider a gentle 10-20 minute walk daily, as this can help ready the body... Read the full answer 〉
Yes. Caffeine can interfere with healthy sleep, and eating a large meal late at night can cause disturbed or restless sleep. Refined sugar intake may... Read the full answer 〉
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