
My job is quite stressful, caused more by leaving a job I loved and now in a job where my work/ life balance isn't how I’d like. I work evenings and it's often hard to see or spend time with friends and my boyfriend. My exercise routine has slackened lately partly due to work and spending more time at my boyfriends where I don't have access to the building once I leave it. My cycle is usually pretty regular, I come on at the end or beginning of the month. Although one month will be very heavy for the first two-three days then become very light. Another month it can be light but last a week. I am limited with hormone based contraceptives because of medical issues in my family and I've never found a POP that has agreed with me fully, either it upset my moods or periods. Becoming pretty obvious what the problems are now that I write it down. But if you have any suggestions I would still be very grateful.

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Here's what I recommend

As the A.Vogel Women's Health advisor, I recommend Agnus castus to help relieve symptoms such as menstrual cramps, breast tenderness and irritability.

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