1 - Sinus pain
Blocked sinuses and nasal congestion is a classic symptom of a winter infection, however, some women experience this monthly whilst menopause and pregnancy are other occasions when this common, yet frustrating complaint may crop up.
Nasal congestion during the menstrual cycle is thought to coincide with changing levels of the female sex hormone oestrogen. It seems that as levels drop off (for example in the days before your period or in the approach to menopause), nasal stuffiness is more likely to become a problem1.
If you are feeling fed up and stuffed up, why not give our Po-ho oil a try? Our Po-ho oil is a blend made from the highest quality essential oils including peppermint, eucalyptus, juniper, caraway and fennel and can help to support clearer, easier breathing.
2 – Headaches
Part of the reason that symptoms of PMS (and menopause for that matter) can be so widespread is because we have oestrogen receptors that cover almost every inch of our bodies. Therefore, as levels of this hormone drop off, for example during the peri-menopause or in the week before your period is due, the changes can give rise to symptoms.
So, our blood vessels are no exception, they have oestrogen receptors present too and it just so happens that the ones around our temples can be particularly sensitive to fluctuating hormone levels. Whilst headaches are also a common symptom we associate with cold and flu infections, if it’s more of a monthly occurrence for you, your hormones could instead be to blame.
3 - Achy muscles
Achy muscles and joints often go hand in hand with infections such as flu, but surprisingly, this symptom could also be linked to your monthly cycle.
As levels of hormones (namely oestrogen) drop off at the end of the month to give you your period, levels of some essential nutrients including magnesium, zinc and chromium are also thought to taper off. Therefore, especially if we don’t have a diet particularly rich in fresh foods or if you have dwindling stores of some of these key nutrients, some of your symptoms may become more heightened.
A good dose of magnesium (I often recommend around 200-400mg), for example, can be a really positive start in helping to keep aching muscles or restless legs at bay around the time of your period.
4 - Tummy upset
Whilst tummy upset is often a sure sign of a bug, many of you will know only too well that it can also be related to hormones.
In the second half of our cycle, higher progesterone levels relative to oestrogen can often give rise to a more sluggish gut – a similar pattern of hormones can often give rise to symptoms in menopause too – everything just seems to slow down with oestrogen levels being that little bit lower than normal! However, as your period becomes more imminent, more erratic fluctuations tend to crop up and this can often create havoc with your gut in the form of diarrhoea-typed symptoms.
Aim to drink plenty of water at all times (don’t worry this won’t exacerbate the symptoms of diarrhoea contrary to popular belief) and if you’re running to the toilet more often than you’d like why not try a tincture of Tormentil to help ease your symptoms? This herb has been used traditionally to help promote calm for both the gut and the mind.
5 - Watery eyes
Dry eyes can be frustrating and symptoms may become heightened during the winter as a result of harsh, outdoor conditions, artificially heated rooms or the greater likelihood of contracting a bug. However, did you know that dryness, in the eyes and also elsewhere around the body (from down below to your skin), could also be influenced by hormones. Yet again, oestrogen in particular, has a lot to answer to.
Oestrogen almost acts as a gentle lubricant (hence why we tend to feel more bright-eyed and bushy tailed around the time of ovulation when oestrogen levels peak) and therefore everything from your eyes to your urinary tract can suffer as levels drop nearer the time your period is due.
If your symptoms tend to be only temporary, some Extra Moisturising Eye Drops can be a nice addition to your makeup bag for emergency situations.
How to treat the symptoms? Treat the underlying cause first!
One of the best ways to help determine if your symptoms are down to a winter cold or if instead they are cyclical is to take note of exactly when they crop up. If you find yourself suffering at the same time each month, you can bet your bottom dollar that hormones have something to do with it. If it’s more of a one off you should treat the symptoms accordingly – for example with Echinaforce cold and flu remedy.
Now, back to hormones. Many of the symptoms described throughout this blog are most likely to be the result of oestrogen dominance. If oestrogen levels are too high relative to progesterone (its calming counterpart) then this scenario is in many cases more likely to give rise to troublesome symptoms.
Please feel free to watch my video on ‘understanding hormone imbalance’ for more information or if you’re not quite sure what could be going on. Generally though, if you tend to have to put up with more frequent, heavier periods, alongside some of the symptoms mentioned above, then it’s quite likely that this is what’s going on.
Rather than attempting to treat the symptoms individually (although some additional extras can work as mentioned throughout), by addressing the underlying hormones imbalance, you may have the best chance at addressing the barrage of symptoms you experience each month.
To help achieve this Agnus castus may just be the herb for you. By helping to gently support your natural progesterone levels, this female herb can help to effectively dampen the effects of oestrogen dominance, and address a number of the symptoms commonly associated with traditional PMS.