Spring herbs to support your menstrual cycle

Naturopath, Herbalist and Yoga teacher (BA, Dip Nat, Dip Herb)
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09 May 2024

If you want to support your menstrual cycle and hormones and ease period problems and PMS with seasonal remedies, then why not try the following herbs this spring. Nettle, Cleavers, Viola (also known as wild pansies), Calendula and Dandelion are all spring herbs that can support your menstrual cycle in different ways.

Our menstrual cycle and the world around us

As we journey through life, there comes a point when we begin to appreciate the cyclical nature not only of the world around us but also of our own bodies. We realise that, just as the seasons transition from spring to summer to autumn and winter, so too do our bodies ebb and flow in their own unique rhythms, guided by the steady pulse of our menstrual cycle. In this awakening, we find ourselves drawn to living more in tune with the seasons, recognising the deep connection between our internal landscape and the natural world.

You may even have heard of the menstrual cycle itself being described by the seasons, with our period being inner winter, the follicular phase our inner spring, ovulation as our inner summer and our luteal phase, when PMS pops up, as inner autumn. When we turn to the wisdom of nature, we find inspiration for nurturing our own menstrual health and embracing the cycles of our bodies with grace and reverence. And so, we embark on a journey of discovery, exploring the healing gifts of spring herbs that can guide us on our path towards greater harmony and vitality.

The trees are blossoming, spring flowers are in full bloom, and even though the weather isn’t much better (here in Ireland at least!), the days are getting brighter and longer. As a herbalist particularly, I find Spring to be the most exciting time of year, with so many of the healing plants I use in my work back in abundance. The following six herbs are ones you can keep an eye out for, growing in gardens, hedgerows and woods all over the UK and Ireland.

1. Nettle:

Nettles grow all year round, but it is when they are young and the leaves are tender, before they flower and go to seed in the summer, that they are best harvested for herbal medicine. There is an old saying that if you ate 3 meals of nettles in the month of May, you would ward off all illness for the rest of the year!

This humble herb is a powerhouse of nutrients, offering a generous dose of vitamins and minerals that your body craves during menstruation. It is especially helpful if iron levels are reduced on a monthly basis due to a heavy flow. Its astringent action also helps to reduce excessive bleeding. I find drinking a few cups of nettle tea during menstruation helps ease fatigue and restore energy levels. It also helps with balancing blood sugar levels which is really important for supporting hormonal balance

2. Dandelion:

Ah, the dandelion – often overlooked (and even despised by gardeners who attempt to spray them to death!), but they are oh-so-mighty in their healing prowess. Don't let its status as a garden nuisance fool you; dandelion is a true friend to your menstrual health. Its leaves, packed with potassium, help ease bloating and fluid retention. Meanwhile, dandelion root supports your liver, which is important for hormone metabolism, helping to regulate irregular periods and PMS symptoms like mood swings, anger and irritability, premenstrual acne and bloating.

3. Viola:

Little wild pansies are a springtime gem that hold potent healing properties. Viola has mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, and provides relief from period pain and inflammation; while its calming influence helps to steady turbulent emotions, making mood swings more manageable.(1)  
It is also an incredible herb for the skin, so if you are prone to breakouts before your period, or if you have a skin condition like eczema, psoriasis or rosacea that tends to flare up at specific times during your cycle, then definitely give this herb a try!

4. Cleavers:

If you've ever brushed past a patch of cleavers and felt their sticky embrace, you'll know just how tenacious this herb can be – and that tenacity extends to its medicinal benefits. Cleavers are like nature's detoxifiers, gently coaxing your lymphatic system into action and aiding in the elimination of toxins and excess fluid. Great support for premenstrual bloating and swelling and for general lymphatic support, which is so important in spring - and all year round really - but particularly in spring. If you are prone to swelling, bloating and painful or tender breasts in your premenstrual days, then definitely give this a go!

5. Calendula:

Calendula, with its cheerful golden blooms, is a well-known skin and lymphatic herb that has an affinity with the menstrual system. It is what herbalists call an emmenagogue, which means it increases blood flow to the pelvic region and helps to bring on a period. If you tend to get clots in your menstrual blood, or if you are prone to cramps, as well as premenstrual acne, then definitely give Calendula a try. It is also indicated if you often get swollen lymph glands, sore or painful breasts or premsnetrual acne. Additionally, it has an antimicrobial action, which is one of the ways it targets acne. (2)

This sunny herb boasts anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties, offering relief from period pain and soothing inflamed tissues. But that's not all – calendula's gentle nature makes it a soothing companion for those with sensitive constitutions, providing comfort without causing irritation. A warm compress infused with calendula oil is like a gentle hug for your aching abdomen, offering sweet relief and TLC.

Incorporating these spring herbs into your menstrual care routine can make a world of difference in how you experience your cycle. Whether enjoyed as teas, tinctures, or added to your favourite recipes, these herbs offer a natural and nurturing way to support your body's needs and embrace the rhythm of your cycle with grace and vitality. It can be a great way to connect with the seasons and begin to embrace more seasonal living.

Remember, your menstrual health is a journey, and it's important to listen to your body and honour its needs. If you're unsure about which herbs are right for you, or if you have any underlying health concerns, don't hesitate to seek guidance from a qualified herbalist or healthcare practitioner. You can also comment below this blog with any questions you have. Together, we can cultivate a deeper connection with nature and her seasons and with our own bodies and cycles.

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