10 healthy habits for every man over 50

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Men's Health Advisor
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06 September 2018

1) Take up a new hobby

When you reach your 50s you can sometimes feel at a bit of a loose end as the children have grown meaning you don’t have to do as much running around as you did in the past - hopefully! So, what can you do to fill your time instead? Well, get out there and try something new!

This could be anything – a new sport, a language, or a creative pursuit like photography. This is a great way to meet new people, learn something new and boost your mood. It can also be a great thing for you and your partner to do together now that you have some free time to spend together again.

2) Exercise every day

Now I don’t mean you have to spend hours in the gym every day but make an effort to do some form of activity each day! Some days this could just be walking to work or a quick walk after dinner, but try to get a good mix in there. Yoga is a great option in the evening, whilst a cycle at the weekend is a great way to get some fresh air and explore your local area while getting your cardio up.

Start easy and build up from there – provided you don’t have any health problems like arthritis, there’s no reason why you can’t be running a 5K within a few months!

3) Eat less meat and dairy (or give them up altogether!)

Both meat and dairy are inflammatory foods, which can wreak havoc in your body. Inflammation can worsen joint pain, cause digestive problems, and even worsen problems like depression. Plus, these products are also full of unhealthy fats which can contribute to cardiovascular problems.

In fact, processed meats (including bacon, salami and sausages) are in the same cancer-causing category as cigarettes, asbestos and engine exhaust fumes. Red meat, on the other hand, ranks as ‘probably carcinogenic to humans’, alongside the HPV virus and lead compounds.1 Yikes! 

If you are eating meat, at least make sure it’s good quality, organic meat, and try to avoid processed types as much as possible! 

4) Eat more fresh fruit and veg

Adding more fruit and vegetables into your diet can be so easy, and tasty too! Everyone should be eating at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, but did you know that scientists have recently suggested that it should, in fact, be 10? ?

Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting you eat a plain salad for dinner. In fact, you can eat pretty much the same meals, just pack more vegetables in there.

That chicken curry you’re making? Add in some cauliflower, peas and red pepper! Better still, swap the chicken for chickpeas or butternut squash.

Love a stir fry? Add beansprouts, broccoli, mangetout and baby corn for a crunchy and tasty meal.

You could also make a smoothie to drink alongside your breakfast, take some fruit with you to work or add at least two different types of vegetable to each evening meal. By following these simple tips you’ll be soaring over 5 portions in no time. For lots of healthy, tasty meal ideas, head to our recipe pages.

5) Practise mindfulness or meditation

Mindfulness and meditation are great ways to reduce stress and give your busy mind a rest. Mindfulness is a simple form of meditation which involves focusing on the present moment,  the body and your breathing whilst letting thoughts come and go – rather than trying to block them out as some forms of meditation involve.

This is a great way to reduce stress, which can damage the immune system and digestive system and even contribute to heart disease, cardiovascular problems and physiological problems.

Just watch this TED Talk from the founder of Headspace about the importance of mindfulness – I’m sure he can convince you better than I can!

6) Take a daily multi-vitamin

Sometimes even a healthy diet can be missing certain vitamins and minerals, especially as soil these days tends to be over-cultivated and stripped of nutrients. However, a multivitamin and mineral is a great way to ensure that you consume all the most important nutrients.

Try something like Wellman 50+ which contains a great blend of vitamins, minerals and amino acids to specifically support the health of men over 50. You can buy this from our good friends at Jan de Vries.

7) Keep an eye on your prostate

Did you know that 50% of men over 50 are likely to suffer from an enlarged prostate? While this isn’t a life-threatening condition, it can cause unpleasant symptoms that can interfere with daily life. Some men find that they need to use the bathroom every hour, and have to get up 4 or 5 times during the night! These symptoms are definitely not conducive to enjoying your 50s.

Take our prostate symptom checker now to see if you could have the condition. If you think this is the case, make a quick appointment with your doctor who will be able to find out for sure. 

For some more information, head to A.Vogel Talks Enlarged Prostate.

8) Drink at least 2 litres of water a day

An old one but an important one! Water is vital for good health – it promotes good circulation to deliver nutrients to your skin and vital organs and helps remove toxins from them too. It is vital for energy metabolism, and can keep your kidneys and bladder in good health. In fact, drinking more water can even help to reduce enlarged prostate symptoms.

Get your hands on a good-quality water bottle so you aren’t wasting plastic by buying bottles while you’re out and about. Fill your bottle up and take it with you when you go out, especially during summer. Some bottles even contain compartments that you can fill with fruit to naturally flavour your water – this can be a bit more appetising than drinking plain water all day.

9) Sleep well

Sleep is another vital aspect of health that is often overlooked, and even looked down upon sometimes! Have you ever noticed that some people seem to boast about how little sleep they get due to their busy lifestyle or stressful job?

Make sure this isn’t you! Aim to get your 8 hours of sleep a night, but make sure it is good quality sleep. Snoring, getting up to urinate, or simply waking up for seemingly no reason all contribute to poor quality sleep.

A lot of sleep problems are easy to fix as well. If you always seem to wake up at 3am, take a look at your liver. If you keep getting up to urinate, drink less in the evenings, or ask your GP to check for an enlarged prostate. If you’re too warm at night, we have some great tips to keep cool!

10) Look after your skin

There’s no reason why men shouldn’t look after their skin like many women do! Dry skin, spots and wrinkles can all be caused by poor skin quality and external factors.

Look after yours by cleaning and moisturising your face every morning and night with good-quality, natural products. Our own comfrey cream is a great choice of moisturiser for ageing skin, but you’ll also find a great range of skincare products for men over with our sister company, Jan de Vries

I particularly like Green People’s Cool Down Moisturiser and their Organic Foaming Face Wash.

1) Known and Probable Human Carcinogens, American Cancer Society.


First published on 13 September 2017 (updated on 6 September 2018)

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Did you know?

BPH is a very common problem that increases the older men get, and around half of all men have an enlarged prostate by the age of 50. At the age of 80, this has risen to 80%

What you need to know about BPH

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