Why is body odour smellier in menopause?

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Menopause Advisor
Ask Eileen

05 October 2022

60 seconds in menopause video transcript:

Why is your body odour smellier in the menopause? This is such a common symptom, believe it or not. A lot of it is due to the change of bacteria on your skin as you go through the menopause.

So, this can be caused by the hormonal changes themselves. It can be due to extra sweating. So, if you're getting hot flushes and night sweats that's going to be a big factor.

It can also be due to dehydration because that's concentrating everything, again making you smellier.

But just remember, your own sense of smell can be heightened during the menopause. So, you can smell smells that no one else can!

First thing to do, ask your nearest and dearest if you're smelly. If so, I always recommend natural deodorants like Salt of the Earth range, and don't forget the water to make sure that you're keeping yourself well hydrated.

For more information and advice on this, head over to my blog 'Sense of smell & body odour changes during menopause'.

An extra tip from me

If you are getting hot flushes and night sweats, the herb Sage can be helpful. For a convenient way to take Sage to help with your hot flushes and night sweats, try our one-a-day Menoforce Sage tablets, made from extracts of fresh Sage.

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