Why are joints achy in perimenopause?

Sarah Hyland

Certified Menopause Coach

27 September 2023

60 seconds in menopause video transcript:

Why are joints achy in perimenopause? Aching joints are the third biggest complaint in menopause. Some of it is wear and tear because we're in midlife. However, changing hormones can have an effect. Pain perception and inflammation can also all increase during perimenopause. Plus, midlife women often don't sleep well and they are feeling the effects of stress. And all of these things can make joint pain more likely.

Lower oestrogen levels can reduce lubrication in the body. So, everything can get drier including our eyes, our vagina, our skin, and also the fluid in our muscles and joints that are trying to keep us supple. It's important to keep using and moving the joints to reduce stiffness and pain.

Flaxseeds are a great addition to the diet because they're full of essential fatty acids, omega three, which is lubricating. They're also a really good source of plant oestrogen (phytoestrogen). Plant oestrogen is found in fermented soy products. So, things like tempeh, tofu, and in isoflavones supplements.

More tips and advice

For more information on joint pain in perimenopause and menopause, head over to the Joint Pain symptom page in our Menopause Hub for lots more tips and advice.

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