Strange and weird symptoms of perimenopause and menopause Part 2

Menopause Advisor
Ask Eileen

12 April 2023

60 seconds in menopause video transcript:

What are some of the strangest symptoms of perimenopause and menopause? This is part two.

So, burning, burning, burning! Burning face from hot flushes, as well as a burning mouth, are two of the most common burning sensations women can experience. But there are some other strange and weird burning sensations that you can experience as well, such as burning feet, burning ears, burning vagina.

Burning skin. So, this feels like you've got some burn, but there's no redness and you haven't certainly been near the sun, and also burning legs.

So, this can be caused by hormonal changes. It can also be due to stress, as well as vitamin deficiencies such as the B vitamin group.

Have you experienced any of these burning sensations or burning in other parts of your body? If so, please let me know in the comments below.

More advice and support for you

For more information, head over to my blog ‘3 menopause burning sensations & what causes them’, where I cover burning vagina, burning tongue (mouth), and burning feet in more detail.

If you missed part 1, where I looked at clumsiness and old injuries aching, you can find it here ‘Strange and weird symptoms of perimenopause and menopause Part 1’.

For perimenopause and menopause symptoms, you can try our Menopause Support tablets. This menopause supplement contains a combination of soy isoflavones, magnesium and hibiscus and can be used through all stages of menopause.

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