Is loss of motivation a perimenopause and menopause symptom?

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Ask Eileen

04 January 2023

60 seconds in menopause video transcript:

Is loss of motivation a symptom of the perimenopause and menopause? Yes, it certainly is! If you think about it, all the emotional and physical and hormonal changes that are going on, they really drain you of energy, and if your body is tired it's going to do anything it can to slow you down. And this is where your 'get up and go' completely disappears.

So, the really important thing here: Look after yourself well. You need plenty of TLC. Remember the water because dehydration is a big issue. Try and get a good night's sleep. Maybe take some B vits just to help to energise you a little bit. And remember that 'me-time' to give your body that extra rest and relaxation.

To find out more about this symptom and what can help, head over to my fuller blog: Lost your motivation? Where's it went & how to get it back?

For perimenopause and menopause symptoms, including tiredness and fatigue, you can try our Menopause Support tablets. This menopause supplement contains a combination of soy isoflavones, magnesium and hibiscus and can be used through all stages of menopause.

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