Is it normal to have itchy skin all over in perimenopause and menopause?

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Menopause Advisor
Ask Eileen

02 November 2022

60 seconds in menopause video transcript:

Is it normal to have itchy skin all over? Yes, this is a really common symptom. As you go through the perimenopause and menopause your skin can get thinner and much more sensitive to anything that it comes into contact with.

You're also sweating a lot more, so you can get itchy underarms, itchy under the bust and in the groin area.

Stress can be a really big trigger. You can get histamine which can give you that itchy, scratchy, bumpy rash.

What can you do to help yourself?

Loads of water, because dehydration can make everything worse. You can look at stress remedies such as the herbs Avena Sativa, Passionflower or Valerian. And the herb nettle (also known as Urtica dioica) is a lovely natural anti-histamine. So, you can either take a liquid nettle (drops) or a couple of cups of nettle tea a day.

For more information on itchiness during perimenopause and menopause, head over to my blog 'Can menopause cause itchiness all over?'.

What else can help?

For perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause symptoms, you can try our Menopause Support tablets. This menopause supplement contains a combination of soy isoflavones, magnesium and hibiscus and can be used through all stages of the menopause.

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