Breast tenderness and swelling in perimenopause: What causes it?

Sarah Hyland

Certified Menopause Coach

13 June 2024

The causes of breast tenderness and swelling during perimenopause

Throughout our lives, we’ll have noticed changes in breast tenderness and sensitivity, or tenderness depending on where we are in the menstrual cycle, and especially during pregnancy. Breast tissue contains lymphatic ducts and tissue which are capable of retaining quite a lot of water, as well as milk ducts and glands, which are sensitive to hormonal signals.

In early perimenopause, oestrogen dominance can increase breast tenderness before the period. Also, any wildly fluctuating hormone levels can make breast size changes and sensitivities more common throughout the rest of the month.

What can help?

Targeting water retention will help. Some ways to do this include:

Drink more water.  If your body is dehydrated it will try to conserve any remaining fluids, which can cause water retention.

Taking an electrolyte solution such as Balance Perimenopause Multi-nutrient drink may help. This contains magnesium which contributes to electrolyte balance.

Keep the lymphatic system moving with some exercises like walking, stretching, and rebounding.

If you are bouncing up and down and you're experiencing any breast discomfort, just make sure your bra is fitting you correctly, especially if you have experienced any sort of perimenopause weight gain.

Please note: While perimenopause and menopause can often change how your breasts look and feel, it is important to consult your doctor if you are concerned about any lumps, ongoing discomfort, nipple changes, or discharge.

More advice on breast pain and tenderness

For more information and advice, head over to Menopause coach Eileen’s blog ‘Breast pain in perimenopause and menopause: 6 surprising things that can cause or worsen it’, where she looks at more factors and issues that can contribute to breast pain and tenderness during perimenopause and menopause.

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