Bloating is very common in the menopause and can be caused by several factors. Falling levels of oestrogen can affect the digestive process, slowing everything down, resulting in bloating and/or wind. Falling oestrogen levels can also have an effect on carbohydrate metabolism, making it more difficult to digest starches and sugars, and this can often lead to bloating too.
Also, we tend to be less active at this point, often due to fatigue, but even a brisk walk every day can help with digestion. The movements of walking help to 'massage' the
digestive tract and remember to do lots of deep breathing as the rhythm of the diaphragm also massages and tones the whole pelvic area.
Try to avoid white bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits and also white rice if you don't already.
If your bowel isn't moving at least once per day (preferably twice) then this can contribute to bloating too. I would suggest Molkosan, as this is traditionally used for bloating.
However, any bloating that has gone on for more than a couple of weeks, especially if it is constant or painful, must be checked out by your doctor as well.
For extra tips and advice read my blog 'Menopause & bloating: what causes it & how to beat the bloat'.
Eileen Durward
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