You may find that as you come off HRT, it is really important to do it very, very slowly, at least over 6 months. Coming off HRT mimics a menopause but if you come off too quickly then your stress system crashes (you are suddenly without all these extra hormones which have been shoring up your body) and you can end up getting menopause-like symptoms all over again!
When you decide to come off I would suggest starting a female multivit with high levels of B Vits and a separate magnesium supplement to help support your system generally. Acupuncture can be really effective for balancing whilst coming off HRT so it is worth looking into. Avoid foods that can stress the nervous system such as caffeine, high salt and sugar foods, and processed foods, and try to drink plenty of plain water daily.
Daily relaxation is really important as it helps to strengthen the nervous system and the stronger this is the less likely you are to get symptoms. You can take Dormeasan and Menosan to help with existing symptoms. You may also find taking Menopause Support helpful at this time, it is known to gently raise and balance oestrogen and can help the body to adapt without the HRT.
Eileen Durward
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