Is your man irritating you?

Menopause Advisor
Ask Eileen

04 February 2014

Is your partner irritating you?

I don’t mean in the usual way such as asking you where he put his keys, or wallet, or that vital letter from the bank. Or, being totally unaware, after 55 years of having a mother, that she has a birthday in March…

I am referring to those constant trips to the loo, especially at night when sleep is disturbed sleep for both of you.

It’s bad enough being woken up several times by hot flushes or night sweats but then, just when you are on the verge of getting some much needed sleep, your other half jumps out of bed!

An enlarged prostate might be to blame

Irritating? Yes! But it must be said – your man can’t actually be blamed. He may have fallen prey to an enlarged prostate – something that happens to approximately 50% of men over 50 years of age.

The prostate is an organ found in men and one which is not often talked about. If we do hear it mentioned, the chances are that it will be in relation to prostate cancer.

An enlarged prostate is not a cancer. As men age, this gland has a tendency to swell. Eventually, this puts pressure on the bladder making it harder for a man to pee, although he might feel the need to do so more frequently. Hence, the constant need for the loo and when this goes on throughout the night, it disturbs his sleep – and yours.

Like most men, your other half probably thinks his symptoms should simply be ignored. So, as usual, it is up to you to help him . . .

To give you a helping hand, our latest infographic offers a quick & easy guide to the enlarged prostate, symptoms to expect, lifestyle changes which can help alleviate the symptoms and how Saw Palmetto can help.

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Did you know?

You won’t get the menopause the minute you turn 50! The average starting age is actually between 45 and 55 and it can often depend on a number of factors including hereditary, weight and health, however every single woman will have an individual menopause.

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