How acupuncture helped my bladder problems: part 1

Menopause Advisor
Ask Eileen

20 November 2014

The dreaded bladder infection

Further to my last blog on the bladder…

Well, this blog seems to have caused a lot of feedback from our website and I have had numerous emails from ladies suffering the same fate as me!

My bladder infection was, I think, a follow on to my fatigue so I have had to work really hard to get myself back into balance.

As women in the menopause we are all guilty of trying to do too much and pleasing everyone, and thus we often forget about ourselves and our needs and this can then result in us getting more and/or worse menopause symptoms. So, I did say in the ‘catch up with you blog post’ that I was going to do a month’s detox and take care of myself better. Did I manage it?

Yes and no! I did my month of really healthy eating and no alcohol and I definitely feel better for it now, but life has a big habit of overtaking us and my work and family life have been even busier than usual so my rest and relaxation has been sporadic to say the least – hence, I think, my bladder problem taking so long to get better. So I decided that I needed a bit of help.

Why acupuncture?

I am always recommending acupuncture and I felt it was time for me to pay a visit to Alex, an acupuncturist who specialises in female problems. She very kindly wrote a guest blog for us a little while ago.

I have been seeing her for a number of years and have found that acupuncture works very well for me. The wonderful thing about complementary therapies is that the practitioner gives you time to talk about all your problems and how you feel as well as your actual symptoms.

Did it help?

I had a lovely 1 hour session, my kidneys and bladder got a bit of TLC and my nervous system got calmed down. And I was told to follow my own advice as in realising that it is important to learn to slow down and not run round like a headless chicken all the time. (I know how very difficult this one is but sometimes we have to be told by someone else!)

I am now sleeping better and feel a lot calmer. My bladder, which was still a bit weak – I was running to the loo more than usual – is just about back to normal: hooray!

However, I am going to have a treatment plan from Alex so will be having more sessions for a few weeks. I will let you know how I get on.

To find out what acupuncture can do for menopause issues please visit Alex’s website. You can find a local practitioner in your area through

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