Hooray for sage!

Menopause Advisor
Ask Eileen

03 November 2014

We love sage!

I love working with herbs: to think that a little plant can help someone get better always amazes me.  Today there are so many medicinal plants available and many of them have more than one benefit – some better known than others.

Take Sage for example. We know just how well it can work on hot flushes and night sweats and there are numerous studies that have been done all around the world to back this up. Our own sage tablets, Menoforce, have been licensed for their traditional use – easing hot flushes and night sweats in the menopause.

A.Vogel Menoforce Sage Tablets for Menopausal Hot Flushes and Night Sweats, One-a-Day, 30 tablets

£15.99 (30 tablets) In Stock Get it tomorrow, 13th March.

What are the other benefits of sage?

But did you know that there are other benefits you can get from Sage? Take the Latin name for example: Salvia comes from the Latin word Salvere meaning ‘to save’ and in ancient times sage was used as a cure-all for many ailments including infections and wounds – this is one of the reasons we add it to our Echinaforce Sore Throat Spray.

The common name Sage means a wise person and in the Middle Ages it was often thought to promote longevity and help with memory and focus.

Today, with the technology we have, we can look into the working mechanisms of herbs and – surprise, surprise – can often confirm these ancient assumptions!

Research has shown that sage can also reduce anxiety and increase alertness, calmness and contentedness even in the presence of a stressor. You may have seen proof of this on the recent TV programme, ‘Trust me I’m a doctor’.

Sage in the menopause

This may help to explain some of the other benefits seen by menopausal women using Sage. However, while sage is great at relieving hot flushes and night sweats, the additional effects may be minor and temporary. Don’t expect miracles, but just be aware that if you take Sage for your hot flushes you may find other benefits too.

A.Vogel Menoforce Sage Tablets for Menopausal Hot Flushes and Night Sweats, One-a-Day, 30 tablets

30 tablets

£ 15.99

Buy now

One-a-day tablet for menopausal hot flushes and night sweats. Also available in 90 tablet size.
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