This is all to do with the infection causing inflammation and irritating the mucus lining of the nose. If you have cold like symptoms as well as the flu, this may result in a nasal infection. A sinus infection can often feel a lot like a cold. Sinus infections are caused by bacteria and can result in the build up of mucus in the air-filled spaces behind your nose. In this instance, you may feel pain, pressure, or burning in or around the nose area.
If you've had symptoms of a sinus infection for longer than a week, you should see your doctor, as you may need antibiotics to resolve the problem.
However, the burning sensation you are experiencing could actually be unrelated to having the flu. Allergies can often cause, itching and irritation in the nose, as well as sneezing and stuffiness. Common allergy triggers include pollen, mould, dust and pet dander. If you don't think any of these are the culprit, you may like to check out our blog, "5 surprising causes of allergies", to try and identify the cause.
Medicines like antihistamines and decongestants are often prescribed to treat a burning nose. However, if these are overused, they can dry out the nose making symptoms worse. Our Sinuforce Dry Nose Nasal Spray can help to moisturise and soothe dry nasal passages, as well as softening mucus, which may help to reduce burning sensations in the nose.
Check with your doctor if your symptoms persist. You could also try Echinaforce® to speed up recovery.
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