The duration of the inflammation caused by bronchitis really depends on the type of bronchitis that you are suffering from. In terms of acute bronchitis, an infection is often at the root of the cause and therefore after a few weeks, we would expect symptoms to start to improve. In cases of acute bronchitis, whilst the infection may clear up on its own over time, a combination of Echinaforce together with Bronchoforce Ivy Thyme can help you to manage the symptoms. Ivy Thyme can help to clear a chesty cough, whilst the Echinacea can help to tackle the underlying infection and support your immune system. If symptoms don’t start to improve within 3-4 weeks we would recommend you go to your doctor for further investigation.
When it comes to chronic bronchitis, the symptoms can be longer lasting – often for as long as the underlying cause is still around! If irritants in the environment or the exposure to cigarette smoke is persistent, then bronchitis can become a longer-term condition. This conditions is unfortunately less likely to disappear on its own unless the underlying irritant is able to be removed. However, if this is proving difficult, Bronchoforce can help to manage the symptoms and soothe the irritation in the meantime.
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