Why is my nose blocked?
Before we go into the various ways to deal with blocked noses, let's just discuss how it came to be blocked in the first place.
A stuffy nose can come about for a variety of reasons. Nasal congestion can be a symptom of allergic reactions like hay fever for example, which is caused by the body over-reacting to pollen. However, more surprising is the fact that even the winter season can affect the state of your nose. The air in winter is drier and so, coupled with central heating systems that also lack moisture, this dries out the nose.
More often than not though, as you will probably be aware, a blocked nose comes about as a result of a common cold or flu. The nose usually has the role of protecting the body from dirt and germs by filtering air that comes into the body. It is able to do this through mucous membranes that line the inner surface of the nose. However, if the body gets a virus this complex system is compromised. The blood vessels in and around the nose become fuller as immune cells are taken to the area, more mucus is produced and the nasal passages can become inflamed as a result of these processes. As a result, this leads to the frustrating symptom of a blocked nose. This could also lead to other, nearby issues too, such as sinus congestion. So, what can we do about it? What do some gentle treatment options look like?
1. Water
Here at A.Vogel we constantly advocate the health benefits of home remedies such as drinking water and for good reason too!
Keeping yourself hydrated during a bout of illness is always important, but this is especially the case when you're suffering from a blocked nose. That's because drinking lots of water can help to thin the mucus so that it is able to flow easily from the nose. This eventually eases discomfort, helping to bring relief by getting rid of the blockage (thick mucus in this case) and therefore having less pressure within the nose.
Water is beneficial in the direct viscinity of the problem, not to mention having a variety of other health benefits around the body - from supporting blood pressure, to more generally supporting the immune system in it's fight against each individual viral infection or bacterial infection which may contribute to symptoms in the first place.
Now, back to water. To up your water intake, there are various things you can do.
- Start your morning with a glass.
- You should be drinking it throughout the day so every time you eat or snack, add a glass of water to have with it.
- Avoid too much tea and coffee as the caffeine content can actually dehydrate you. But opt for warm water if you prefer - hot water will have the same effect as cold filtered, bottled or even tap water and may also add an extra soothing element.
- If you feel that drinking water all the time is a little boring you could add some fruit to give it a bit more flavour. Lemons, cucumber, orange and mint are all tasty additions to a glass of water.
2. Steam
As well as being relaxing, having hot showers, baths or even a sauna can help ease some of the common symptoms associated with a blocked nose. This is all because of steam which makes more moist air, and heat to help soothe inflammation and make it easier to breathe - and is just another example of lovely home remedies to add to your repertoire.
Steam inhalation, from a hot shower or even a simpler warm compress, can also help to gently increase blood flow to the air, plus, break down mucus so that it flows more easily from the nose - which may also reduce swelling.
Although the relief steam brings may not be long-lasting, you can have a shower or bath as often as you like to continue to help relieve the problem. Take some deep breaths and enjoy the humidified air or warm compress, or even add some essential oils for some extra comfort and benefits, or use a humidifier if this is more convenient for you. This may still help to successfully reduce inflammation and help you breathe easier.
3. Hot Drinks
If water and steam both help to ease a blocked or stuffy nose, it's unsurprising that hot drinks do too. These relieve pressure on the nose to help with your nasal congestion. Plus, if you are suffering from other cold and flu symptoms as well, a warm drink can help these. A sore throat or sinus infection can be soothed, for example, by the comfort of a warm liquid.
To help deal with these problems, it's a good idea to swap your usual brew for some peppermint tea as this contains menthol. Menthol breaks down mucus which not only helps your nose, but also calms a sore throat. Alternatively, you could try our Echinaforce Hot Drink which fights cold and flu symptoms.
4. Humidifiers
As briefly mentioned above, you may find it useful to invest in a humidifier if you suffer from regular congestion or sinus pressure, or even if you just want some instant relief from a cold or flu. Humidifiers add moisture to the air which can help to protect against dry air, and thin mucus to make it flow easily from the nose. Blocked noses no more!
Humidifiers can also help ease inflammation to lessen the overall feeling of a blocked nose. These devices aren't too expensive so if you're looking for ways to help your blocked nose, it's a good option.
5. Sleeping Position
A blocked nose can negatively affect your ability to sleep so to help resolve this issue you may need to change your sleeping position. Lying flat allows mucus to build up which can worsen the problem of a blocked nose and disrupt sleep. Therefore, in order to get as much rest as possible during this time it is best to lie on your back and keep your head slightly raised with an extra pillow or two. Also, remember to keep this position if you decide to nap during the day as you won't get the extra rest you desire otherwise.
6. Food and Drink
You may not think it, but what you eat and drink can have an impact upon your blocked nose. Some things will make it worse, whilst others may actually help ease the problem. As a rule, when suffering with this problem I'd avoid caffeine which, as we've already discussed, can dehydrate you.
I'd also stay clear of milk-based products which can thicken mucus and make your symptoms worse. As for food and drink that can help, well spice, warm soups and citrus are all beneficial. Have a look at my blog ‘Can what you eat and drink affect you blocked nose?' for more information on this topic.
7. Nose-blowing
When dealing with nasal congestion it may be tempting to blow your nose regularly to try and get rid of the problem. However, this can cause the fragile mucus membranes inside your nose to become more inflamed which will only worsen the problem of congestion.
Also, the pressure of blowing your nose constantly can lead to a headache which is something I'm sure you will want to avoid. So, instead of going through your box of tissues, I'd recommend you only blow your nose when it begins to run. Blowing your nose constantly will not resolve the issue of a blocked nose, and may even make stuffiness worse, so this is something to avoid.
Neti pots may also be considered. Are neti pots safe? This could be an over the counter option you may consider. A neti pot can help to moisturise the tissue of your nose and reduce sinus pain by flushing out excess mucus with a saline solution. However, the method is quite invasive and not for everyone.
8. Nasal sprays
Sinuforce Nasal Spray is an effective, herbal, decongestant nasal spray for the relief of congestion. Decongestant nasal sprays, may be simple saline sprays or have other, beneficial constituents. Our Sinuforce spray contains menthol, eucalyptus oil, and chamomile oil which helps soothe irritated nasal passages and therefore helps to relieve symptoms of inflammation and irritation.
Unlike many similar medications (always check, even a similar seeming nasal saline spray) Sinuforce spray can be used by pregnant women, those breastfeeding, vegetarians and vegans too. This means that a wide variety of people can benefit from the quick and effective relief from congestion that Sinuforce brings, and hopefully help to relieve stubborn, uncomfortable symptoms such as pressure in your sinuses.
Please note if your symptoms persist or do not resolve after more than a week, something else may be going on such as sinus infections, or chronic sinusitis, in which case you may need to go to see a healthcare professional for further advice.
My Top Tip:

"This really helped my husband when he was dealing with a blocked sinus problem which nothing else had fixed. His sinus problem was cleared up in a couple of days after using the product."
However, if your blocked nose is not a result of a cold or flu, and is instead the result of hayfever, A.Vogel does have another option.
Pollinosan Luffa Nasal Spray cleanses the nasal passages of pollen and other allergens like dust. However, it also restores fluid in the nasal passages to make the area feel comfortable again. Made with all natural products, it is fast-acting and effective!
First published on 15 March 2018, updated on 03 May 2024