Is Plantago good for sinuses?

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Student Herbalist, Reflexologist, Yoga Teacher, Writer & Product Trainer

16 March 2022

Is Plantago good for sinuses?

Plantago has a variety of medicinal actions that make it a good herb for sinuses. Due to the variety of phytochemicals contained in Plantago, it acts as an anti-inflammatory to soothe and calm inflamed and sore membranes in the ear, nose and throat. It's also an antioxidant, astringent, demulcent, emollient, expectorant, and anti-microbial.

How Plantago can help your sinuses

Let's take a closer look at the properties that make it so good for your sinuses, as well as how to use it.

The first mention of Plantago's healing abilities dates as far back as 40 – 90 A.D, where Dioscorides mentions it in his Materia Medica. Nowadays, science is proving Plantago's traditional uses through its investigations into the pharmacology of the plant.

Plantago contains two types of iridoids, lots of flavonoids, oleanolic acid and tannins. All of which contribute to its healing capabilities.


Plantago has been valued traditionally for its ability to soothe and calm inflamed and sore membranes of the ear, nose and throat (ENT). Nowadays, in vivo and in vitro experiments prove Plantago's anti-inflammatory properties. (1)

The ear, nose and throat cavities are all joined up. Which is why when you have a sinus issue your ears often suffer and your eyes too. Take a look at the image below to get a sense of how these seemingly disparate parts of your body are very much connected.

People who get recurrent sinus issues, allergies, or are recovering from a cold or flu usually have inflamed tissues in the ear, nose and throat area. Plantago can help ease this inflammation, which leads to quicker healing and reduction of symptoms.


Plantago contains naturally occurring iridoids such as aucubin, which give it antiseptic properties. (2) This is really helpful for sinuses prone to catarrhal congestion. A build-up of the jelly-like substance called mucus can lead to what is known as catarrh. When catarrhal build-up happens in the ENT it can cause an accumulation of fluid and possibly the growth of bacteria, leading to a sinus infection. Plantago's mild antiseptic action can help prevent this.


The astringent action of Plantago plays another key role in its beneficial action for sinuses. The astringent action will help to tone your ENT tissue, which will assist in keeping mucus production in balance. As we've seen, excess mucus in the ENT can cause catarrh and possible infection.

When the mucous membranes of our ears, nose and throat become damaged, they are vulnerable to re-infection. This explains why we often end up with secondary bacterial infections after a bout of flu. The astringent action of Plantago is really helpful for preventing this. Astringents tighten tissues up, making it hard for bacteria to penetrate and infect. (3) You can see astringency in action when you watch your cup of tannin-rich black tea pucker and coagulate the protein-filled milk you've poured into your cup.


While mucus can be the source of many problems for sinus sufferers, it does play an important role in keeping the sinus cavities healthy. We don't want to eliminate mucus entirely, as it helps moisturise our tissues and plays an important role in getting rid of foreign particles. That said, if mucus becomes congested and dried out, it can cause inflammation and extra sensitivity in the ENT. Plantago's mucilaginous properties mean it has the ability to moisturise the ENT tissues, keeping the membranes coated, and free of dryness and further irritation.

How to use Plantago

Plantago is most commonly taken as a tea or in liquid drops. Guidelines vary depending on the manufacturer, so remember to check the instructions written on the packaging.


There are no safety concerns or contraindications to be aware of when using Plantago. However, it is not to be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Plantago is suitable to give to children over 2 years of age.

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