Is Echinacea good for your immune system?

Student Herbalist, Reflexologist, Yoga Teacher, Writer & Product Trainer

12 March 2022

Is Echinacea good for your immune system?

Well-known for its ability to treat and prevent colds and flu, Echinacea has a long history of use as an immune herb, which is backed by a wealth of scientific research. Its antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties make this a good herb to support and strengthen your immune system.

6 ways Echinacea is good for your immune system

Now, let's take a closer to at the ways in which echinacea is good for your immune system and the research behind this immune-strengthening herb:

1. Echinacea is antiviral and antibacterial

Plants have cleverly adapted defence mechanisms to withstand all sorts of threats to their health. When we ingest these plants, we also benefit from their capacity for defence. Echinacea has antiviral and antibacterial properties, which means it can help us to stop a viral or bacterial infection in its tracks. The aerial (above ground) parts of the Echinacea plant are where its antiviral properties come from, which makes perfect sense when you consider the above ground parts of the plant are most exposed to virus-carrying pests, insects, and predators. (1)

2. Echinacea is antifungal

Echinacea is a great antifungal agent because not only does it support the immune system as a whole, but it also acts directly on the fungal cell wall to compromise its ability to function, meaning Echinacea can help with any type of fungal infection, either internal or external. (2)

3. Echinacea is anti-inflammatory

The roots of the Echinacea plant give it some of its anti-inflammatory properties. (3) A certain amount of inflammation is important in response to an infection, but too much for too long is detrimental to our health. This is seen especially in the case of inflammatory super stimulation, or cytokine storms. Echinacea can reduce the overall amount of inflammatory chemicals in the body, as well as inflammation in the cells infected by a pathogen. (4)

4. Echinacea contains alkylamides

A group of compounds called alkylamides are found in Echinacea plants. Alkylamides are part of the reason why Echinacea is so good for your immune system. This family of compounds help infection-fighting white blood cells get to the site of infection quicker, making it easier to kick a bug out before it spreads throughout the body.

Alkylamides also help keep the inflammatory process in balance by modulating the production of TNF-α (a pro-inflammatory cytokine). (5)

5. Echinacea makes bacteria adhesion harder

Echinacea makes it harder for bacteria to attach to tissue that has been exposed to a virus. (6) This means secondary infection is less likely, which is a big win for the immune system on many levels. It means you are less likely to need a trip to the doctor and a dose of antibiotics after a cold or flu. Antibiotic over use can alter our gut microbiome and leave us more susceptible to all sorts of infections.

6. Echinacea is an immune response modulator

Increased numbers of white blood cells, monocytes, neutrophils and NK cells, as well as improved neutralisation of free radicals, are all ways that Echinacea helps the efficiency of the immune process. New research suggests that Echinacea improves the body's ability to detect viruses, thereby stimulating and improving the interferon response pathways.(7) These are critically important for effective innate antiviral response.

Note that I haven't used the term immune stimulant or booster. Instead, the word I have chosen is 'modulate', meaning "to balance". Echinacea doesn't stimulate or boost your immune system unreservedly, as commonly thought. In fact, research shows that in people with low immune response Echinacea acts supportively; whereas, in those with a strong immune response, Echinacea evens out the production of immune mediators, leading to a more moderate immune response. Echinacea adapts to whatever situation it meets. Amazing! (8)

Echinacea for colds and flu

Echinacea's ability to help your immune system is best displayed by how effective it is at preventing and treating cold and flu viruses. There are tonnes of studies showing Echinacea's ability to prevent, treat and shorten the length of cold and flu infections. Check out our blog 'Can Echinacea stop a cold' by Naturopath and Herbalist Siobhán Carroll for full details on what the cold and flu studies say.

Is it OK to take Echinacea every day?

Research indicates that yes, it is ok to take every day if your immune system needs ongoing support. A 2016 review and assessment of the Echinacea's safety concluded there's no evidence to support limitations on the duration of use.(9)


The safety of Echinacea has been thoroughly studied and indicates that normal dosing with Echinacea is unlikely to interact with conventional drugs. Always read the manufacturer's guidelines, and refrain from taking Echinacea if you are on immunosuppressant medication, pregnant, breastfeeding or allergic to any of the ingredients in Echinacea preparations. (10)

How to take Echinacea

Echinacea comes in drops, tablets, sprays, lozenges, teas and hot drink formulations. Studies indicate that liquid Echinacea (drops) is better absorbed than tablets, but the effect on pro-inflammatory TNF-alpha is the same in the end. So, tablets work as well as drops, but a little slower (so long as your digestive function is good).

You can take Echinacea drops in a little juice or water, following the manufacturer's guidelines on dosage. The most important thing about how to take Echinacea is that taking more doses is more helpful than taking larger doses, if you are already sick. One to two times a day is generally recommended for ongoing use; but it is important to take a more regular dose, up to five times a day, at the first onset of any symptoms and throughout an active infection.

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