The forecast looks bright without a shower of sneezes

Are you worried spring encourage your hayfever symptoms?

Oh no, it's sunny!

When we get a gloriously unexpected day of sunshine after several days of gloom and showers, most of us can’t help smiling and feeling happy.

Not so for those with hayfever however! Pollen levels are very much dependent on the weather.

A week of dull rainy weather followed by a few days of warm sunshine can drive pollen levels sky high – so knowing when and where the pollen count is very high is a good way of being prepared and minimising the misery.

Don’t let Pollen stop you!

If you suffer from hayfever then make sure you arm yourself with a way to keep track of the pollen count in your area. This will help you stay one step ahead of pollen and get the most out of nature without the worry of itchy eyes, wheezes or sneezes.

Visit our A.Vogel Pollen Count page, where you'll find a 5-day forecasts, showing the pollen count across the UK and in your local area.

Some quick links:





Find more cities here.

A.Vogel Pollinosan Hayfever Eye Drops | for Quick Relief of Red and Itchy Eyes | with Chamomile and Soothing Hyaluronic Acid | 300 Drops | 10ml


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For quick relief of red and itchy eyes due to hayfever.
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What's being asked

Does Luffa Nasal Spray work for general stuffiness?

It will help if the stuffiness is due to airborne allergens (things that create an allergic type ...
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I have sinus problems – not hayfever as such, just inflammation and sinusitis. Is Luffa Complex beneficial for this, or just allergies?

You would probably find Sinuforce Nasal Spray better for relieving blocked sinuses, and you could ...
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I suffer from blocked nose with my hayfever, but also an itchy throat. Which remedy would you suggest?

Luffa Complex tends to work on all areas affected by hayfever: eyes, nose, throat and even a wheezy ...
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UK 5-day pollen forecast

Stay up to date with the latest pollen information by finding your local pollen forecast from over 30,000 locations across the UK.

Get your local pollen count now

Did you know?

What you eat can have a dramatic effect on your hayfever symptoms. While anti-inflammatory and natural anti-histamine foods can help control your symptoms, foods containing dairy and foods rich in sugar can actually make them worse.

7 simple hayfever nutrition tips

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