Is luffa good for hayfever symptoms?

Naturopath, Herbalist and Yoga teacher (BA, Dip Nat, Dip Herb)
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24 June 2024


Luffa is a herb that can help ease symptoms of hayfever and allergic rhinitis. It comes from the same plant as this Loofa which is used as a natural sponge! This tropical plant is part of the cucumber family and can ease symptoms like sneezing, blocked nose, runny nose and itchy eyes caused by hayfever and other airborne irritants like dust or animal dander.

It is also often called a sponge cucumber and originates in South America. As it’s a tropical plant the easiest way to get this herb is as a tincture or tablets from your health food shop. But you can take it alongside native hayfever herbs like nettle, and it can be taken alongside antihistamines if you need!

The young luffa fruits are edible and when the fruit matures and is left to dry we get this lovely natural sponge. Herbal tinctures are made from the fruit as well. The medicinal alcohol extracts the healing phytochemicals from the fruit and preserves them so we can have access to them all year round, especially in hayfever season!