My eyes are very watery during the winter. What could be the cause of this?
Harsh weather conditions, such as wind and cold, can often be a cause of watery eyes. These conditions actually dry out the eyes and so more tears... Read the full answer 〉
Harsh weather conditions, such as wind and cold, can often be a cause of watery eyes. These conditions actually dry out the eyes and so more tears... Read the full answer 〉
You could try our Moisturising Eye Drops to soothe your irritated eyes. If you are experiencing other allergy symptoms in addition to itchy eyes,... Read the full answer 〉
There are a few nutrients that can support the general health of our eyes, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc and omega 3, so you may want to get... Read the full answer 〉
Yes, that is correct, phones emit a blue light that can be damaging for the eyes. Many of us are in the habit of checking our phones every spare... Read the full answer 〉
Puffy eyes are a tricky one to get to the bottom of, as there are actually many things that could contribute to the problem such as: • Lack of... Read the full answer 〉
As we head into winter and the nights get dark early, it is quite common to feel tired in the afternoon. In this instance I think it is worth looking... Read the full answer 〉
You may benefit from some gentle eye exercises. To begin, stare at something at least a few meters away and hold your focus here for around 20... Read the full answer 〉
You've probably heard about blue light and the damage it can have on things like your sleep-wake cycle and your eyes. Your eyes are able to... Read the full answer 〉
There are a few reasons why you might be suffering from eye bags, specifically in the morning when you wake up. We have a great blog with lots of... Read the full answer 〉
Eye strain can be caused by a few different factors. In general, it tends to be caused by looking at an object for too long or focussing too closely... Read the full answer 〉
This isn’t unheard of. It’s believed that, as your hormones fluctuate during menopause, the composition of your tears changes which can result in... Read the full answer 〉
If you suspect that the weather is upsetting your eyes, it’s possible that they could be too dry. This might sound a bit odd if you're... Read the full answer 〉
Yes, believe it or not, your diet can play a big role in supporting your eye health! Your eyes, like any other area of your body, need to get the... Read the full answer 〉
The most obvious reason is that you are producing a chemical called histamine as part of an allergic reaction. You may be experiencing hayfever (a... Read the full answer 〉
If you are short on sleep then it is quite difficult to persuade your eyes to feel anything other than tired. Whilst you plan how to catch up on... Read the full answer 〉
A.Vogel Eye Drops are very useful in providing moisturising hyaluronic acid to soothe and protect the eye by mimicking the natural tear film. The... Read the full answer 〉
When you are stressed, muscles tighten. The movements of your eyes are controlled by tiny muscles that can equally well become strained. Constant... Read the full answer 〉
Firstly, and most practically, assess your sleep quota. Are you getting sufficient sleep? You may need more than you think. Secondly, assess your... Read the full answer 〉
There are several possible reasons.1. A drying environment, e.g. hot, dry weather conditions, air conditioning, being stuck indoors or in a car with... Read the full answer 〉
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