Seasonal survival

Nutritional Practitioner, BA (Hons), DN, DNT (Distinction)
Ask Ali

13 December 2013

Seasonal survival

Small steps to ensure you breeze into the New Year with energy and enthusiasm intact:

Step 1: Which are you richer in: money or time? If the former then don’t waste time being ashamed of not being Delia – buy in everything that you can possibly not make yourself. If the latter, then consider making things for other people too and saving them the hassle. That could constitute your present to them – one they’ll actually appreciate!

Step 2: Drink, drink, drink – water! Don’t forget about it just because you’re busy and it’s cold and there are so many other drinks on offer. Drink it at room temperature or add some boiling water to make it hot – it slips down easily and doesn’t chill your stomach.

Step 3: Watch out for drinking too much with meals: this dilutes your digestive enzymes and makes you feel bloated. Save drinks for at least 20 minutes either side of food.

Step 4: When eating lots of meals out or meals made by other people, or more ready-made foods than you’re used to, be aware of the added salt content. It’s easy to clock up far more than usual and feel bad because of it. If your blood pressure is already on the up, it’s even more important to watch the salt and keep your water intake high.

Step 5: If you have problems digesting a lot of wheat or dairy-based foods and have to go out to restaurants for celebrations, ring up several days ahead and ask about options. Most places will make the effort to provide something suitable if they have sufficient warning. Similarly, if you need a sugar-free dessert then put in a request ahead of time.

Step 6: If you’re worried about over-indulging, write down what you’re eating during the day – it really keeps your eye on the ball and prevents you wondering at the end of the day why you feel so full and awful.

Liked this? Then why not try our 14 Day Detox to give your body an extra healthy boost following the festive excesses.

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Did you know?

According to naturopathic principles, when two or three meals are being eaten daily, the bowel should move at least once or twice a day.

What are healthy bowels?

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