There are a variety of medical conditions and lifestyle habits that can trigger the symptoms of acid reflux. A poor diet can increase the quantity of acid in our stomach while health complaints such as hiatus hernia make it easier for acid to escape into the oesophagus. In this page, our Digestive expert Ali Cullen describes the different causes of acid reflux and offers advice on which self-help techniques and lifestyle habits will help to ease the symptoms.
Acid reflux, or simply reflux, is the condition seen when the acidic contents of the stomach leak backwards and upwards into the oesophagus (gullet) or mouth.
In normal circumstances, a muscular valve lying between the gullet and the stomach prevents reflux occurring - it is designed to allow food to pass only in one direction, from the mouth into the stomach. However, this mechanism can sometimes fail.
There are several health problems and conditions which may cause or be associated with acid reflux:
The way you treat your digestive system has a significant influence on whether or not you are likely to experience acid reflux. Many of these lifestyle factors are shared with the tendency to develop indigestion:
Certain foods will not help if you suffer from indigestion, acid reflux or heartburn, either because they are difficult to digest, or because they cause abnormal secretion of digestive juices.
These include:
A number of types of medicines from your doctor or pharmacy may lead to an increased tendency for digestive problems or gastric irritation and consequent symptoms. This list includes muscle relaxants, some blood pressure medications and certain classes of pain-killers and anti-depressants.
If you suspect that the medication you are taking is causing you to experience indigestion or acid reflux, it is worth consulting with your doctor to find a substitute medicine suitable for you to take.
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