Can apple cider vinegar heal varicose veins?
Your veins should not be permeable and the pores in the walls of your veins should be tight. If these pores become dilated, then the veins can begin to sag. This is where varicose veins tend to become a problem as the blood begins to pool, especially in veins of the lower legs.
A lot of sources seem to be touting apple cider vinegar as a cure for varicose veins and spider veins alike. But, could this pungent liquid actually help in these situations?
Unfortunately, the answer is probably not, at least not to any great degree. The best way to significantly improve the function of your veins is to treat this symptom from the inside. It is possible that apple cider vinegar could have some mild astringent properties which could help to tone varicose veins when applied topically. However, it may take a little more work than this.
Also, beware, if the skin around your damaged veins is broken or particularly weak, it will most likely nip quite a bit! Plus, the consistency of apple cider vinegar means it would probably either evaporate once applied or drip down your legs, giving you a delightful vinegar scent.
Instead, I would recommend using Venagel as a topical treatment for varicose veins. It contains horse chestnut, an astringent which has been used traditionally for many years as a treatment to ease uncomfortable varicose veins.
Then, to support yourself further, I'd recommend an oral dose of Horse Chestnut tablets such as with Venaforce. This is a licensed, traditional herbal medicinal product for the relief of symptoms associated with chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins, such as tired, heavy legs, pain, cramps and swelling, exclusively based upon long-standing use as a traditional remedy.
Venaforce® – Horse Chestnut tablets for varicose veins

- Herbal varicose veins remedy
- Treats symptoms of varicose veins
- Made from freshly harvested horse chestnut seeds
Can apple cider vinegar heal spider veins?
Spider veins often appear alongside varicose veins, so it's understandable that there may be some confusion between the two. However, despite their name, spider veins don't affect your veins, but your capillaries. Capillaries are tiny vessels (only as wide as one red blood cell!) which carry oxygen and nutrients to, and remove waste from, tissues.
When capillaries become broken, they are known as spider veins. These are red, purple or blue lines visible on the skin which are very fine and not as prominent as varicose veins. Spider veins don't tend to cause pain – although they can become itchy or irritated.
So, back to apple cider vinegar. Can this pungent liquid be used as a cure for spider veins? The answer is, quite simply, no! Once a capillary has been broken, it can’t be fixed. So, no amount of topical ointment or questionable treatments will be able to rectify the problem.
However, certain herbs can be used to strengthen the entire circulatory system. Horse chestnut is known for its traditional use to provide relief to conditions such as tired, heavy and painful legs caused by varicose veins. By taking extracts of horse chestnut such as Venaforce, you can strengthen the circulatory system and, in turn, reduce the appearance of spider veins.
How else can I ease varicose veins?
Making changes to your diet and lifestyle can also help to ease symptoms associated with varicose veins. Eating plenty of foods rich in heart-friendly nutrients will help to improve your circulation and ease the pressure on your varicose veins. Why not read my blog, ‘4 top vitamins to banish varicose veins’ to find out more?
You can also try gentle exercise! Check out my blog, ‘Is exercise good for varicose veins?’ for some top tips on which exercises can be helpful when trying to cope with this uncomfortable condition.
Like apple cider vinegar, applying a topical source of Horse Chestnut such as Venagel may also some temporary relief from the symptoms of varicose veins, often usefully, as part of a wider circulation-supporting regime.