
Bloating after eating

Advice on what you can do to help yourself if you suffer from digestive bloating after eating

There are many causes of abdominal bloating or distension, but perhaps the most common of these relate to abdominal bloating after eating because of the production of excess gas in the digestive tract.

Gas is normally produced in the gut. It has been estimated that more than 5 litres of the stuff is produced each day, which is gently released downwards as flatus (wind) or alternatively, upwards when burping.

An excess of gas, either immediately or a few hours after eating, gives rise to bloating and discomfort in the abdomen. Some of the more common reasons for excessive digestive gas are described in our page on what causes bloating.

This article describes what you can do to help yourself if you suffer from bloating after eating as a result of too much gas in your digestive system.

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