
Healthy & delicious recipes from A.Vogel

Cranberry, Almond & Coconut Truffles (Vegan + GF)

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  • Preparation:  min
  • Easy
  • Serves 15
  • Prep: 10 min
  • Easy
  • Serves 15

Popular with all my friends and family, I love these truffles as a quick and easy treat, or as a mid-afternoon energy boost. Packed with nuts and fruit, not only do they taste great, but are super healthy too. Enjoy!


Cranberry, Almond & Coconut Truffles

  • 1/2 cup gluten-free oats, soaked for 10 mins
  • 1/2 cup dates
  • 1/2 cup raisins, soaked for 10 mins
  • 1 cup almonds
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons coconut
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon olive or coconut oil
  • Salt to taste
  • 3/4 cup dried cranberries

How to make Cranberry, Almond & Coconut Truffles

1. In a food processor, blend the almonds until finely chopped.

2. Drain and press as much water as you can out of the oats and add this to the almonds. Add also the dates, raisins, cocoa powder, maple syrup, oil and salt. Pulse until you start to get a sticky, thick mixture.

3. Add the coconut and pulse a few more times.

4. Place mixture in a large bowl and stir in the cranberries until combined. Now roll up into neat little balls and place in fridge for an hour. I sprinkled mine with some extra coconut to look like snow (I have always been very imaginative) but if you are not that daring then you can fancy them up any way you choose!


Ta-da! Don't these look good, eh? If you've given this recipe a try, please let us know! Leave a comment below, rate it above, share it! Take a picture of it and tag it #AvogelRecipes on Pinterest we'd love to see it.

This recipe is full of goodness

A powerful combination, coconut and dark chocolate are both super rich in immune boosting antioxidants. Coconut is also a great source of natural energy and can also help improve digestion.

About Sammy

Sammy Riley is an Aussie living and studying in London who loves nothing more in making vegan cuisine which is easy and delicious.

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