
Healthy & delicious recipes from A.Vogel

Biotta Cranberry Sorbet

  • Preparation:  min
    Time:  min
  • easy
  • Makes 6
  • Prep: 10 min
  • Time: 120 min
  • easy
  • Makes 6

Looking for a delicious festive dessert that isn’t chockfull of sugar? Biotta have you covered with their zesty cranberry sorbet. Packed full of fragrant spices such as cinnamon and cloves, this recipe is super easy to make and packed full of great antioxidants such as immune-boosting vitamin C! Best of all, it’s completely fuss-free so you can just sit back, relax and enjoy the holidays!


Biotta's Cranberry Sorbet

  • 500ml of Biotta Cranberry Juice
  • 1 star anise
  • 50ml of water
  • 50g of agave syrup
  • 1 clove
  • 1 cinnamon stick, approx. 3cm
  • Grated peel and juice of an organic orange

How to make Biotta's Cranberry Sorbet


1. Put water, agave syrup and spices in a pot and bring to the boil. Simmer slowly for about 10 minutes to allow the flavours to infuse into the liquid.

2. Take out the spices and allow to cool down. Add the peel and juice of the orange and mix everything together with the cranberry juice. 

3. Pour into a flat casserole dish and place in the freezer. Stirl every 2 hours with a wooden spoon until the sorbet is frozen.

4. Fill servings glasses and serve immediately, decorated with a slice of orange.

I hope you give this delicious cranberry sorbet a try! And if you do, be sure to tag the picture #AvogelRecipes on Instagram so we can see it :)

This recipe is full of goodness

  • Packed with antioxidants
  • A good source of dietary fibre
  • Contains vitamin E & K, as well as manganese

Best known for their role in preventing and treating urinary tract infections (UTIs) such as cystitis, cranberries have many other health benefits. Due to their high vitamin C content, they are powerful natural antioxidants, which can help boost the body’s resistance to bugs and viruses. A good source of dietary fibre, cranberries can also help to regulate digestion and prevent constipation, as well as lower blood pressure.

About Emma

Emma is a nutritionist with a passion for healthy living and she loves spending quality time in her kitchen. She is fascinated by the ways that different foods can help or hinder a range of health problems and enjoys experimenting in order to create new and exciting meals packed full of fresh ingredients and flavours.
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