
Healthy & delicious recipes from A.Vogel

Beetroot Breadsticks

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  • Preparation:  min
    Time:  min
  • Easy
  • Makes 12
  • Prep: 35 min
  • Time: 15 min
  • Easy
  • Makes 12

These breadsticks are easy and fun to make. The beetroot juice is rich in vitamins and gives them a colourful and tasty twist. I love coating them in Herbamare® Original seasoning salt for a salty taste. My parents used this herb salt a lot.


Beetroot Breadsticks

How to make Beetroot Breadsticks

1. Pour the beetroot juice into a large bowl and add the fresh yeast, Herbamare® seasoning salt and grated parmesan, keeping the yeast and salt at opposite sides of the bowl.

2. Next add in both the white and wholegrain spelt flour and mix well.

3. Cover with a tea towel and leave the mixture to rise until doubled in size (approx 30 minutes).

4. Once the dough is ready, roll it out into several strips, on a floured surface.

5. Shake out enough Herbamare® seasoning salt to cover a plate and roll the strips in the salt to coat them.

6. Place them on a lightly greased or lined baking tray.

7. Preheat oven to 200°C and bake for 10 – 15 minutes (depending on thickness) or until lightly browned and crisp.

8. Serve & enjoy.


I hope you give these super yummy beetroot breadsticks a try! If you do, be sure to tag the picture #AVogelRecipes on Pinterest so we can see :)

This recipe is full of goodness

  • Packed with vitamins (A & C)
  • Good source of dietary fibre
  • Rich in iron & potassium

Due to its high fibre content, beetroot is great for supporting the digestive system, helping to prevent constipation and keep bowels healthy and regular. The iron content in beetroot means it’s good for those with anaemia and fatigue.

About Olga

Olga Temonen is a Finnish actress and a television cook, who makes easy and delicious homemade meals that taste great for the whole family.

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