How to make your own almond milk

Healthy Eating Advisor
Ask Felicity

08 October 2015

How to make your own almond milk

Making your own almond milk boosts the proportion of almonds by around 15 per cent compared with commercially produced types and also results in a richer, creamier milk. It is very simple to make and will keep in the fridge for around 5 days (note: your almond milk may separate once in the fridge.This is totally normal; just give it a stir or a shake).

Almond milk recipe


1 cup raw almonds
2 cups water
A pinch of salt
Optional to taste – a teaspoon of honey, vanilla essence, cinnamon or coconut cream.

Pre-soak the almonds in tepid water overnight with a pinch of sea salt. Give them a rinse in a colander the next day.

Remove skin of the almonds (optional). Removing the skin of the almonds will results in lighter-coloured milk and also take away a slightly bitter flavour. To remove the skin, simply pour boiling water over the almonds and leave them for five minutes, then drain. The skins should then peel off easily.

Blend the almonds in a food processor or blender with 2 cups of water for around 4 minutes, so the almonds form a fine meal.

Drain using a fine mesh sieve, strain the milk and remove the solid particles (almond meal).

Add a teaspoon of honey, vanilla essence, cinnamon or coconut cream at this point if required.

Almond Flour

Following this recipe will not only provide you with some delicious, fresh almond milk, but you will also be left with almond meal – otherwise known as almond flour. Do not discard this as it can be used in an array of baking recipes.

Simply dry it out on a very low heat for a few hours in the oven.

You can blend the almond meal further once dried to make a finer flour, which works particularly well if you pre-skinned your almonds.

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