How can you get more fruit and veg into your diet?

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Qualified Nutritionist (BSc, MSc, RNutr)
Ask Emma

16 April 2018

1 – Get soup savvy

Soups are a fantastic way of getting more vegetables into your diet. Not only are they simple to make, they’re incredibly versatile and great for using up any leftover veg you have lurking in the back of your fridge. Just one big batch at the beginning of the week means that you have an easy lunch or dinner option on standby and you can even freeze portions and defrost them later so you can plan ahead.

Depending on how you feel you can even adjust the recipe. Fancy a hearty soup to keep you warm and satisfied on a cold winter’s day? Why not add lentils or chickpeas for an added helping of fibre and protein? Want to keep things light? Opt for lighter ingredients like celery or pea. You’re free to experiment with spices and herbs to find a flavour that suits you!

Here are some of my favourite simple soup recipes

2 – Blitz up a smoothie

Smoothies are extremely easy to make and, like soup, are a great way of using up any leftover fruit you have lying around your home. Unfortunately, given the rise of bottled supermarket smoothies, many are turning to them as a quick and convenient way of getting some of their 5 a day

However, these options are always the healthier alternative that they seem, as I explore in my blog, ‘8 unexpected drinks that are bad for your health’, most shop bought smoothies are loaded with sugars and sweeteners. These added sugars can easily upset your blood sugar levels and cause what is known as a ‘sugar crash’ depleting your energy levels and stimulating fatigue.

Blitzing up a smoothie at home should only take up five minutes of your time and, depending on the ingredients you use, can do wonders for your health, from helping you to detox to improving your energy levels! Fancy something sweet? Add some cinnamon to your concoction! Wary of trying a super-green smoothie? Make it more palatable by adding some yoghurt and citrus fruit juice!

Here are some of my favourite simple smoothie recipes

3 – Sprinkle over your cereal

Porridge, Weetabix and muesli – these tend to be big breakfast staples here in the UK, although sometimes they can be perceived as being bland when compared to sweet options such as Coco Pops or Rice Crispies. However, spicing up your bowl of cereal is easy and it gives you a chance to tick one of your 5 a day off your checklist. 

Sprinkling some sliced banana and adding a pinch of cinnamon to your morning bowl of Weetabix can go a long way towards adding some flavour to the dish and you can top your porridge with everything from apples to blueberries  to pomegranates! Even if you have to eat breakfast on-the-go, you could try to make sure you have a packet of unsweetened dry fruit to hand – yes, dry fruit still counts!

 Here are some of my favourite simple breakfast recipes

4 – Add to your snacks

A quick snack can go a long way towards warding off the dreaded mid-afternoon slump, but all too often it’s too easy to just reach for whatever’s most convenient – crisps, chocolate and brunch bars. Most of us presume that we just don’t have the time to stand and make our snacks from scratch, but it doesn’t actually take that much effort provided you have a mixer at hand. 

You could whip up some energy balls just using dates, nut butter and some almonds, or you could try your hand at prepping an overnight chia pudding so it’s waiting for you in the morning, hassle free. However, if you do need a quicker option, you could try carrying some dried fruit with you mixed with some seeds for an instant fix.

Here are some of my favourite simple snack recipes

5 – Try some vegetable juice

Downing a glass of vegetable juice probably doesn’t sound very appealing but trust me, it’s definitely tastier than you think! Organic vegetable juices are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals so they’re fantastic for your health, helping to support your immune system, skin and cardiovascular health. The type of vegetable juice you decide to pick can also benefit specific health problems – looking to ease indigestion? Try some potato juice! Keen to improve your skin? Pour a glass of carrot juice!

Of course the brand of vegetable juice you pick is pivotal since most high-street brands contain unwanted extras such as sweeteners and preservatives. 

That’s why, here at A.Vogel, we’re happy to recommend Biotta’s Organic Fruit and Vegetable Juices. Cultivated in Switzerland each juice is pasteurised at a low temperature so, as well as being rich in nutrients, they also contain lactic acid, which can help to support the friendly bacteria in your gut. Each of their 7 different varieties has unique health benefits for a wide range of problems, ranging from cystitis to PMS to cardiovascular. 

You don’t just have to drink them straight either! These juices are extremely versatile – you can add them to smoothies or even heat them up from an instantly delicious soup. Some of our customers even use these juices to prepare risottos or sauces – just take a look at our introduction to Biotta Juice recipe ideas for more inspiration!

My Top Tip:

Biotta make their beetroot juice from 100% organic pressed beetroot so all vitamins and minerals come straight from nature!

"Brilliant. Best tasting beet juice I've ever had. It's a must!"

Read more customer reviews

Biotta Beetroot Juice


£ 4.49

Biotta Beetroot Juice is simply 100% organic beetroot juice, with no added extras.
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