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Qualified Nutritionist (BSc, MSc, RNutr)
Ask Emma

18 June 2022

How do you check if you have IBS?

Whilst there is no test to definitely diagnose IBS, doctors will rule out more serious digestive conditions before making a diagnosis. However, even if diagnosed, there is

How can IBS be diagnosed?

People assume knowing if they have IBS or not is the main goal. Firstly, your doctor will rule out other potentially more serious digestive conditions. So, this can include IBD and that includes Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis, for example. Then they might also rule out things like Coeliac's disease, which would need to be quite carefully managed and can be quite serious.


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1. Calm an initial flare up

Quite often people get in touch with us here at A.Vogel when they are struggling with their symptoms and sometimes understandably, people would like something to quite quickly calm symptoms. Longer-term, of course, we really want to try and get to the root of the problem; what's really underlying, but of course, something initially is often useful.

So, this is where I would often recommend something like Silicol Gel. So, this is indicated for the relief of IBS-type symptoms, including flatulence, discomfort, diarrhoea-type symptoms; so, it is often very good for promoting some calm initially, and manage some of the key symptoms.

I quite often recommend a course of Silicol for a couple of weeks; it can be taken longer term if it helps, but I personally like to see the Silicol Gel as a bit of an initial first step, to calm those symptoms, and then we can delve a little deeper in terms of the root cause.

Use Silicol Gel to help manage IBS:

Use Silicol Gel® to help manage the symptoms of IBS including nausea, flatulence, stomach ache, diarrhoea and discomfort.
Silicol Gel® can also be used to help manage other digestive symptoms including heartburn and acid reflux.

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2. Consider your symptoms

The IBS symptoms you experience can be really quite individual. Of course, there will be some overlap, but many of the symptoms, I really want you to consider for you as an individual and identify what your main symptoms are.

So, you could be affected by upper digestive symptoms such as acid reflux, indigestion or heartburn, for example, or there could be constipation-dominant symptoms; or diarrhoea-dominant symptoms. Or indeed, there could be a bit of a mix of those; alterna

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