Boost your get up and go by just saying 'no!'

Qualified Life Coach
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06 February 2014

The year so far....

How is 2014 going for you so far? Are you feeling overwhelmed by demands, gloomy about the lack of ‘loves’ in your life (not to mention the lack of light) or fearful about the future….well consider this, how would our lives turn out this year if we started to just say ‘no’ to things that are not in our best interests?

What are the things you have noticed so far this year that make you feel overwhelmed, stressed or low?

Too many demands from too many people?

If you started saying no to just one person, imagine what could you do with the time and energy you freed up?

Thinking you have to get all the housework done at the weekend before you can rest?

Not taking time to enjoy a hobby or go out socialising? Saying no to doing any housework for half or even one whole day will give you the downtime you so badly need and the chance to do the things you love.

Lying in bed in the early hours trying to find the solution to a problem that’s worrying you?

Saying no could mean getting up and getting into the day….perhaps doing a meditation practice, some positive affirmations, reading something inspirational, going for a walk or doing some exercise.

You want to improve your health but don't know where to start?

How about saying no to putting sugary treats in temptation’s way..don’t have them in your house for at least a week. Buy a healthy food you love instead.

These a just a few examples to get you thinking about the demands in your life that are draining your life force and what you might be missing as a result.

What might stop you saying 'no' ?

Taking a risk, not wanting to upset others? If nothing changes, then so be it. You deserve to live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life! If you’re not used to saying ‘no, start small, keep it simple, build on each positive step you take and forgive yourself any slip ups.

Making time for ourselves, seeking downtime and ways to improve our well-being, aligning with our values, doing the things we love, these are all things that should be on our absolute ‘yes’ list. Where do you need to say ‘no’ so that your ‘yes’s’ can flow?!

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Are you stressed?

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Here's what I recommend

As the A. Vogel Mood advisor, I recommend Stress Relief Daytime Drops to help relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety.

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Did you know?

When we feel stressed or anxious our body responds as though we are under attack, releasing a surge of adrenaline which can cause a number of baffling bodily behaviours including palpitations, shortness of breath and even a dry mouth!

The physical symptoms our emotions cause

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