Constant blocked nose. Why? And what can help?

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Immune System Expert
Ask Dr. Jen Tan

09 April 2024

Constant blocked nose

We all know the feeling of having a blocked nose during a cold, but when we have a blocked nose without a cold in sight we can begin to wonder just when we are going to be able to breathe easily again. Constantly having a blocked nose can not only be irritating and unpleasant, but it can also be difficult to know the best way to tackle the problem.

Although a blocked nose with a cold can feel as if it is going on forever, it is not until a symptom has lasted for 12 weeks that it can be defined as ‘chronic'. Sometimes a constant or chronic blocked nose is termed as sinusitis.

It is unlikely that a viral-induced blocked nose is going to last this long, so we have to look to other reasons why your nose may be blocked.

Why is my nose constantly blocked?

A blocked nose can be a common result of a common cold or flu infection. But what if you have a blocked nose, but no cold? Well, it may come as a surprise just how many different conditions, from allergies to a deviated septum, can result in a blocked nose. With such a diversity of reasons, finding the root cause is essential for effective treatment.

Common causes of a long-term blocked nose include:

Allergic rhinitis

This is an allergic reaction to air-borne particles such as dust mites, pollen (hay fever), pet dander, car exhaust fumes or pollution, or other allergens. Weather changes such as very dry air could also give rise to similar symptoms. As your immune system reacts and sends and increased blood flow to the area, it can cause your nose to be blocked in the short term, (as with visiting a friend with a cat), or much longer if you are constantly surrounded by the allergen, such as during the hayfever season. You may also experience other common symptoms too such as a stuffy or runny nose, postnasal drip, cough, irritated eyes, or itchy ear, nose and throat.

If you notice that your blocked nose is worse in certain environments or during certain seasons, then it is worth considering allergic rhinitis, or more general allergies as the cause. You could try taking our hayfever symptom checker if you are unsure about whether you are suffering from allergic rhinitis, hayfever, or the cold.

Food intolerance

You may not necessarily associate the food that you are eating with your blocked nose, but an intolerance to food can result in inflammation and rebound congestion of the mucous membranes, such as those in your nasal passage. Common dietary intolerances include dairy and gluten. Whilst the involvement of the immune system is debatable here, technically dietary elements could trigger nonallergic rhinitis symptoms.

Working with a nutritionist could help you to assess if your symptoms persist whilst influencing specific elements of the diet.

Nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are one of the most common causes of a long-term stuffy nose. These are small, noncancerous growths of tissue that form inside in your nasal passage, that can obstruct the flow of air. You are more likely to develop these if you suffer from chronic allergic rhinitis. Polyps themselves are not harmful, but it is unlikely that your blocked nose will clear until the polyps have reduced in size or been removed as they can contribute to as state of non allergic rhinitis or irritation.

Deviated septum

The nasal septum is the cartilage sitting between the two nostrils. Ideally, it divides the nose directly down the centre. In some people, however, the septum lies off to the side. This can make one nostril feel more blocked than the other, usually because the airflow is reduced down the smaller nostril. Additionally, it can be more difficult for mucus to drain through the smaller nostril. Again, these factors together could create chronic nonallergic rhinitis symptoms, or contribute to a reduced sense of smell.


Tobacco smoke is an irritant and can result in inflammation of the mucous membranes in your nose. Every time you smoke, the cigarette smoke irritats your nasal lining even more, meaning that if you smoke regularly, your nose can constantly feel blocked. Additionally, sniffing drugs or other irritants will cause this symptom more quickly. Habits such as these can contribute to nonallergic rhinitis as the nasal passages become irritated and it could give rise to other problems such as downregulating your sense of smell.


While not so common among adults, we hope, kids do have a habit of pushing random objects up their nose (or into their ears). If your child has been complaining about a blocked nose for a while, it may be worth checking that they haven't been storing any toys in their nostrils. This unsurprisingly could contribute to irritation or vasomotor rhinitis and would need to be rectified.

What does it feel like to constantly have a blocked nose?

Although most of us will have experienced a blocked nose at some point in our lives, there are many different causes, each with their own set of symptoms. It can be worthwhile, therefore, to spend a bit of time pinpointing exactly how you feel, as this can help you to identify the cause of your nose trouble and find an effective solution.

One important point to consider is if you are producing a lot of mucus. This is most likely to be caused by a virus, allergy or intolerance, as it is your body's mechanism of trying to trap and expel the infection or irritant from your body. Itchiness, such as an itchy nose or throat, can be a sure sign of a more allergic reaction. Toxin overload can be a factor to consider with excess mucus at play too.

If you feel that you experience nasal congestion but are not really producing mucus, then this is more indicative of a physical abnormality, such as nasal polyps or a deviated septum.

It is quite common for people to complain of having a blocked nose on one side - so the feeling of only one nostril being blocked at a time. If this is caused by an infection or allergies, then it is quite common for the blocked nostril to switch sides. If caused by a deviated septum or obstruction, then the same nostril will always be affected.

Then, are symptoms worse at night? Lying down may also make the feeling of a blocked nose intensify, due to an increase of pressure in this area due to gravity.

Chronic congestion in children

Children have a reputation for being plagued with snotty noses, and often this stereotype is a reality. It can be more difficult to make an accurate diagnosis in children as it can be harder for them to describe their symptoms to a doctor, especially when it comes to something trickier to describe, like irritated sinuses or nasal congestion. It then becomes important to keep an eye on how easily they are breathing, or if they are in apparent discomfort.

As the nasal passages of children are smaller and not yet fully developed, it can be more difficult for mucus to drain effectively from their nose, hence the reason they can be susceptible to having a blocked nose.

For some children, natural decongestant nasal sprays or nasal irrigation treatments can help, but for many this symptom eases as they grow up. Any concerns, or symptoms which are accompanied by a fever, should always be checked with a doctor. A doctor would need to rule out that no infection is at play, such as with chronic sinusitis.

A blocked nose during pregnancy

It is quite common for pregnant women suddenly to find that they have a blocked nose for a long period of time. For many, this can be quite an unexpected symptom, not to mention somewhat irritating. It can be accompanied by other symptoms such as sneezing and itchy nasal tissues, so that it feels as if you are developing a cold, though it never really materialises.

The reason for these symptoms is thought to be linked with raised levels of the female hormone oestrogen which affects your mucous membranes, making them more susceptible to swelling. Although it may not seem like any comfort at the time, the symptom usually clears quickly after the birth of the child, once hormone levels have readjusted. You might also want to rule out chronic sinusitis with your doctor, in case a sinus infection has worked its way in.

In the meantime, home remedies to help treat a blocked nose, such as hot and steamy showers, salt water or saline nasal sprays or neti pots are often suitable tactics and can help you feel more comfortable. If in any doubt as to what might be suitable for you during pregnancy, always check with your healthcare provider.

Are there home remedies for a blocked nose?

If you have been plagued by a blocked nose for quite some time, then it is only natural to want to seek an effective treatment plan. Having some medical attention with a doctor may be worthwhile as this can help you to identify the underlying cause of the problem and therefore treat it correctly.

Certain conditions will best be treated by the doctor. For example, in the case of nasal polyps, you may have to treat these with steroid-based nasal decongestant sprays. In some severe cases, minor surgery may be required to remove the polyps. Prescription nasal steroid sprays may also be required in the treatment of a deviated septum, but again, more involved surgeries may be necessary if the septum is particularly off-centre.

After following advice given by your doctor, you may have been given the all-clear to manage your symptoms from home without the need for medicine. And for many, they don't want to be reliant on medications, even over the counter medications. Instead, there are some other treatments approaches, and things you can try at home, including:

  • Keep your head elevated – when you are lying flat, it is more difficult for gravity to do its job and drain mucus out of your nasal passages, so try raising the upper half of your body when sleeping to help prevent getting too bunged up overnight.
  • Identify allergens – if you know that certain situations trigger your symptoms, then take steps to reduce exposure to the allergen and see if your symptom improves. Obviously this becomes problematic if you are allergic to your beloved pet, but simple steps such as not allowing your pet into your bedroom, for example, can make a big difference.
  • Eat less dairy produce and wheat – even if you are not specifically allergic to these food groups, most people suffering a blocked nose, even if associated with temporary causes such as a cold or flu, will benefit from reducing these foods from their diet as they can often be common triggers.
  • Herbal nasal sprays – certain medications, such as conventional nasal decongestants can only be used in the short term, which isn't ideal for those plagued with constant symptoms of a blocked nose. However, herbal sprays can be used for much longer periods as they keep the natural protective function of the mucous lining intact. One example is A.Vogel Sinuforce Nasal Spray which contains fresh extracts of eucalyptus, peppermint and chamomile, and can be used continually for up to 30 days, unlike many over the counter products.


Page originally published on 09/01/16, updated on 09/04/24

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  • Relief of nasal congestion
  • Relief of nasal catarrh
  • Can be used for longer periods of time

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Here’s what I recommend

As the A. Vogel Immune System expert, I recommend Sinuforce Nasal Spray with menthol, to help ease symptoms of a blocked nose.

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Did you know?

Pregnancy can make you more susceptible to a blocked nose. Hormonal changes can cause the delicate tissues of your nose to become inflamed, restricting the flow of air and causing you to experience a blocked nose.

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