Confessions of a detox newbie

Health Advisor
Ask Annmarie

02 January 2014

Confessions of a detox newbie

Designed by Ali, the 14 day detox is a simple programme with 5 basic steps: rehydration, bowel brilliance, digestive attentions, dietary tweaking and exercising. So in a nut shell, I will be drinking more water, getting my bowel moving at least once a day, improving my digestive system, making better food choices and exercising a bit more – when put like that it doesn’t sound that hard really!

The key thing about Ali’s detox programme is that it’s not about cutting everything out or going cold turkey and hungry; it’s about reducing your intake of toxins such as red meat, white flour, refined sugar, fried foods. One thing I love about the programme is the fact that there is so much advice and ‘instead’ suggestions given for making better food choices such as ‘think about having more fish dishes instead of meat based ones’ and instead of white flour ‘eat wholegrain bread, pasta and pastry’.

Although the programme may appear daunting at first, it has been designed to allow you to do as little or as much of it as you want. So if you just want to follow the basic steps then that’s fine but you can also use some supplements which will support your detox (I’ll be using Golden Rod Tea to help with fluid retention, Molkosan Vitality to promote better digestion and Milk Thistle to support my liver function). There are also some optional extras for those who want to do even more!

The one thing I know I will struggle with is sugar cravings but the programme can help with that too, with lots of suggestions on how to overcome this weakness, such as eating dried fruits. The support emails which start on 6th January will also address this, as well as other dreaded weaknesses such as caffeine and fizzy juice and offer additional advice and guidance throughout the fortnight.

My biggest question to Ali when talking about the detox was ‘so what should I eat?’ A large part of the detox, as I have mentioned, is about dietary choices, so with this in mind, Ali has also provided some great breakfast, lunch and dinner suggestions and recipes. I am particularly keen to try porridge with almond milk and cinnamon for breakfast as it sounds rather delicious.

Armed with all this knowledge, support, lifestyle suggestions and simple tricks from Ali, I am now feeling less daunted at the thought of detoxing and am determined to embrace the 14 days and hopefully keep up some of my new healthy habits throughout the year.

Want to hear how I get on? Look out for my post detox blog after the 19th January…

There is still time to sign up and join me on the 6th to start your detox, so get involved and start the New Year a New You!  If a healthy start wasn’t enough, when you sign up you’ll also be entered for a chance to win a Be Healthy pack worth £50, to keep you feeling cleansed and rejuvenated.

Meet the author

annmarieAnnmarie is a green beauty enthusiast who is passionate about natural and organic skincare and makeup. She regularly blogs about health and wellbeing, as well as her journey to discover more about green beauty and living.Her love for green beauty and natural health began when she started working for A.Vogel - from then she has let nature be her guide every day, exploring new natural products and green brands to improve her well-being both inside and out...and her skin has been thanking her ever since!

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Did you know?

An apple a day cannot keep bloating at bay. This popular fruit can play havoc on sensitive tummies due to their fibre and fructose content!

Other common foods that cause bloating

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